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Ed's phone starts ringing. Again that stupid ringtone. I grab a pillow from my back and throw it on him. He jerks up with a quick "Woah!" He quickly pushes the pillow aside, gets up and grabs his phone. While his hair cover his forehead, he realizes it when he holds the phone to his ear "Hello?" his hello is adorable.

He waits as all I hear is only low voices of someone saying something. It's a female voice. She speaks and speaks and soon Edward begins to hyperventilate a bit. Then more. And then even more. He quickly cuts the call and rests his hands on the floor, his head hanging among his lifted shoulder blades.

"Ed?" I call, pushing myself up with my furrowed brows.

He sucks in his lips.

"Hey, are you OK?" I sit, placing a hand on his arm.

"No..." he whispers to himself more than me in a traumatized way. He swallows before speaking "He...he's...he got a...he got a stroke"


"Dad!" he mumbles in trauma "That can't happen-it can't!"

"Edward..." I mumble while he moves like a headless chicken. It's the first time I've seen him panicking like this. As if his important task is slipping out of his grab.


It's been awkward for him but Finn has been trying his best to make the kids feel that he's not a stepfather to them. It's been the second day to his marriage.

He met Emma in the get together where some old college friends met. Surprisingly, Emma was one of the friends of his. It wasn't love at first sight. Yes, it wasn't. He introduced himself to the black haired with dark eyes. She looked around in her early thirties. He talked about his college, and how his friends used to ask him bunk but he was a nerd so he'd choose to always hang on with the classes. He also said that bunking was bad-which it actually was. He was the top student in his school. Completed work on time. Never fought with anyone and all that.

She was an autistic person who just gave a smiled with hums, to sometimes 'Oh really? Wow!' she internally knew how badly she wanted it to get over because she was getting embarrassed.

He might have noticed it and chose it end it himself. "Alright, see you later" he said. That was their first ever awkward meeting.

The next time they met was at Freya's house. Freya who had been Emma's best friend since that last year's at school, was indeed a true one. She always remained in touch. She was married to the business partner of Finn. He had once come over to talk about shares. He was at home. While the men talked about it, women were in the study chatting about the latest magazines. Both however, unaware of Finn's arrival.

What interrupted them, was the call from home. Her mother said that her son has a high fever who collapsed which is not lessening at any cost. Besides, it was around the year when influenza had become something spine chilling. Emma thought of nothing and rushed to the entrance to leave.

"What's the matter?" Freya asked finally stopping, after Emma heard her calling out.

"He's not well. He collapsed" she replied shakily.


"Adam" she said. Edward was Adam back then "Mom took him to he hospital"

Both the ladies made it to the hospital and over there, she met her mother saying that he's in the room and then she found him lying on the bed with a nebulizer. It painted. It was her son, with his eyes shut making him seem deeply asleep. His whole little face flushed pink and moist with fever. His little chest rose up and down as he breathed.

She went to him and grabbed his small hand in hers "Hey, open your eyes kiddo!" she turned back to her mother and Freya who watched her concerndly. She then heard a small voice "Mumma..." she quickly turned to her son "Yes my child. Are you okay?"

"Its so hot..." he said weakly and then he breathed "My head pains"

She brushed a quick hand across his hair "It'll be all fine Adam. Don't worry"

The doctor and the nurse came in. To her surprise, the doctor was Finn.

Her lips parted "Oh. It's you"

"You know Finn?" Freya asked.

She nodded "We met in the get together"

"Mumma..." called Adam and she looked down at him "I want to see Dada. Can I see him?"

It was an unequivocally and agonizing sentence for her. Every time he said it, those traumatizing days flashed in her mind. But she kept herself strong for Kiera and Adam. She had to do it because she dreamt of making them strong people. Unlike she was.

Finn looked at her above his lashes while his hands were in his pockets. He was unaware that she was a mother.

"We'll see him soon OK?"

He nodded.

"And because of that, she got divorced" Freya completed with eh mug of hot chocolate in her hand.

Finn sipped some of his and after he gulped, he spoke "That's sad"

"Don't you think you have a chance with her"

He made an awkward face "I didn't even say something"

"But you asked about her husband" she reasoned.

He rolled his eyes and sipped some more hot chocolate "I just asked you because for no reason" he knew he lied. He knew he found a small interest in her. She was amazing. Her innocence. Her cuteness. Her mindless. Her love. It was all amazing.

Perhaps it was love at first sight for him.

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