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"What do really want? To know about Adam or Nick and Luna's separation?" Hazel asks wearily. I don't think she was a very good option I could ask help for. I shouldn't have bothered her with my stuff. She's eight months pregnant and stress isn't healthy.

But there was none else I could talk to. Edward is away and I'm afraid to bring this topic in front of him. Luna is someone I hate. Sam doesn't have time because he has meetings. Thea is busy with her marriage preparations...

I have my head dropped in my hands while I'm sitting on the edge of her bed "I don't know..." I exhale "Trust me Hazel, I'll die if it keep on going like this"

"I wish I knew something about him..."

I look at her "You don't have to be guilty" I assure "I just shared it with you, just for myself to feel lighter"

"About Nick and Luna, I don't think I can help but for Adam, I would suggest you to have a look at the school. Like you know about the students who used to study there. You might get a clue"

"Yea..." I say thoughtfully with a tiny lift in the corner of my lips "That's a great idea..."


"Adam..." mutters the receptionist after I said him "Lemme go through the names..." his eyes moves across the screen even when he's speaking and clicking his computer mouse.

It takes long while as he searches. I put a feet on the other to avoid the restlessness of my legs.

"Please sit down"

I turn and drop on the chrome seat, placing my bag on my lap. I look around. This school has changed so much. The glass shelf had almost all kinds of trophies I've ever seen. Earlier, when I was studying here, it didn't have much things like those mementos, huge trophies, and major certificates. Aside of it, on the wall is a large frame with the last year's toppers. And other frames with contest winners of sports, Spelling bee's, other competitions. And the tiles have also changed, they're grey vinyl tiles perfectly pressed on the floor.

"Sasha Beckette? Is that you my dear?" I hear an old woman say.

I quickly turn and find her. A kind wrinkled smile at the eye corners and creases extending from her nose to the corners of her hot pink lips. She has honey brown eyes and her hair are shortly grey with a dark grey strip. They're folded inwards when they come to her neck. She's in a dark blue blazer of which the second one is buttoned leaving her white turtleneck prom revealed and a pencil skirt of the same colour with black leggings.

"Mrs. Ivy? I-is that you?"

She laughs and fingers her cheeks "Am I that old now?"

"No!" I quickly clear out "Honestly, you're too young for your age. I didn't mean that by the way...Do still teach here?"

"I'm the principal of this school"


"Alright," she says letting that topic vanish "How are you my dear?" she asks grasping my hands in hers.

"Good and you?"

She nods "How's your life?"

"I...finished B.C.A and now, I'm a software engineer. I had break so I decided to complete a task"

"What task are you here for my child? Admission...?"

I shake my head "Can you help me in one thing Mrs. Ivy?"

She nods while saying "Why say it"

'Can you please tell me, who on earth is Adam?' that's what I thought but I didn't say of course I choose to say it wisely "Do you remember Adam?"

"Do you know the full name?"

I shake my head blankly. I wish I knew. At least there would have been some solid evidence about him then "I've asked the receptionist to give me the names of students with the similar name"

"And that's because you wanted to find his surname" she completes.

I nod "You used to teach us English, don't you remember anything about him?"

She squints as she digs her brain for it "Isn't it that you were friends..."

"Did he have any siblings? Or do you remember his parents name?"

She glances at my eagerness to know about him rather than me. I then slow down "Dear I don't think I do remember any of his parents, but for his siblings, he had a sister"

"Do you know her name?"

"I don't think so..." she looks at me while replying. I think she wonders if I have something to do with him. Something serious is going on, and she chooses not to ask. I'm glad she doesn't because the way I'll stutter will kill me, thanks to the embarrassment. Or to make it a bit more awkward. "It's a wonder you don't know about him"

I widen my eyes "Were we that close friends?"

She seems a bit surprised by that "My child, don't you remember, you guys were good friends. I've see you both together till graduation"

"Graduation?" I squint "He didn't leave the school in between classes?"

She shakes her head "I saw him"

Feels like all the knots within me are untied. I feel so much alleviated. Like flowers bloomed in me. It's awesome that he was here till graduation. I can get more clues about him "Uh...do you have the graduation photo?"

"My bad I do not" she says sadly.

"Mrs. Sasha, here are the names" calls the receptionist.

I get up and so does she. After making a beeline to the desk, he hands me the previous identity cards of the students in that year with the name Adam.

It's not a chunky pile though, a relief for me. I go through the first one

Adam Dankworth, nope not that. Adam Gervais...no. Adam Osman. Nope not that. Adam Deans...was it this one? I have a strong feeling with this surname. So I pull this page out of the thin pile and hand those papers back to him "Thank you so much Sir.

He gives a kind smile "No problem!"

I turn to my old teacher "Thank you so much for the information Mrs. Ivy. I hope we meet soon. Bye!" with that, I leave the school.

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