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I stare at my phone placed on the bed while I support my back with my hands. I've been hyperventilating since I've known it. It makes my confused if I'm happy or not. I'm sure I should be happy and excited and I should be jumping in elevation. But the reason I'm confused is all about Edward. Whether he'll be happy or not. I know it's very stupid to think of such a thing but actually he had been worried lately about him getting the title of pediatrician which has been delaying for patently a very long time. He's been using the money from savings in his account for the daily expenses. My job isn't much beneficial as well, because I was just working part time to pay for the university and have been going on with my weekly lectures.

I decide to keep it a secret until I find the right time to say it to him.

"Sasha?" I hear him call from outside. I quickly hide the paper in the box in the cupboard where I usually keep my stuff. My name is written on it. Then I shut it. I walk out of the room, pulling the ends of my khaki shirt, to find him there "Why're you...sweating?"

"Its just a little. I don't know why..." I reply professionally. If I had been a few seconds late, he would have entered the room.

He nods not seeming to dig deep in that topic "Listen, I found this website where we had to upload our C.V. and many people commented that it solved their problem. Do you think is a great idea?"

I sigh, dropping my shoulders "We can't always trust any websites Edward. We have to make sure it's a trusted one"

He thinks "So?"

"You know what, instead of dropping your C.Vs to the clinics, you should forward it to them"

"That's what I've been doing-my luck is so amazing, I'm not getting a single call from those uncountable clinics which sucked up my C.V"

"I think we shall shift to Birmingham, one of my colleagues said that there are good opportunities over there. Especially at the clinics"

"But Kiera said she'll be shifting here in a few months, and it will good then. We will have at least one family member in London. But in Birmingham, we'll be alone. I guess I will wait"

"Alright..." I exhale "Just forward it on my email, I'll see what to do"

He nods. I'm sure he's tensed but there's always this potential of his to hide it. He never shows how stressed he is. And I doubt if I should consider it as his good habit or a bad one because I'll be afraid if he's uncomfortable sharing his problems with me.

"Are you OK?"

I nod "Why'd you ask?"

"You didn't seem so"

I grabs his hands "I'm fine. You just have to focus on your career for now. You've worked really hard to get towards the top"

A small warm smile forms on his lips and he places a hand on my cheek while rubbing his snugging thumb against it "That doesn't mean I'm gonna ignore the others"

"What do you mean...?"

"I'll never ignore you for it-I'm sure I was clear with it" his voice became more deep and lowered in tones now.

I roll my eyes with a smile "You're not stressed? We don't have time for romance right now"

He pulls me closer to him "We don't get a timetable for having romance. You're my wife"

"I know it," I laugh slowly "But if you forget about your career then you might lose what you've earned. That hard work put into gaining it"

He half shuts his eyes "That'll be done. Don't worry I'm not going to lose it. In fact, whatever you learn is never wasted-said a wise man..."

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