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I hear a knock on my door and then a creak. It's either of the pissed siblings so I don't move. I don't even open my eyes. For a while, I don't do anything until I hear "I know you're not sleeping"

I then open and look at him.

"Hey...I have to tell you something"

He's someone else. He's not this polite. I frown, not towards his words but politeness.

"Come with me" he gets turns and walks to the door.

He walks ahead of me down the stairs. My legs are so numb. I haven't walked down the stairs since so long so it takes time for me because some muscles of mine in the thighs contract and I want to wince and wait for a while so I do that. I bend over while grabbing my thigh. He's patient. He waits.

He stands near his entrance door and fidgets his fingers with something silvery in his fingers which jingle.

He hands me his car keys-but I don't grab them. I just watch him in utter puzzlement.

He nods "Take this, and run away from here"

I take a hold of those keys slowly. But the reality is, I want to seize them from him and run to the car.

"Just keep in mind. Not all sociopaths are violent. They feel sympathy too"

Okay, I keep a mental note of it.

"Be quick-Nick can be back any moment"

I nod and the moment I open the door-shit appears. I mean Nick appears. Leaning against the wall with his hands in his black leather jacket's pockets and a hoodie over his head. He smiles and winks at me.


No. No. No

"So, this is your plan behind my back?" he walks past me in the house while pulling the hoodie back.

I look at Luca who stares at his feet, clenching his jaw. He gives me the look above his thick lashes which I interpret as 'Go away!'

"Huh? You're letting her go? You're letting the woman who cheated you GO?"

"That's enough of it Nick. You're just trying to make things easier for you and troublesome for us" Luca says flatly finally lifting his head with confidence towards his boss "If police ever finds out, I'll be the one in trouble and you'll escape"

Nick inclines his head and his eyes creep towards my face while his licks his bottom lip "That attractiveness. I mean wow! You're just amazing Sasha. You can use your beauty to-"

"Shut the hell up" I grit "I know it's only you with this cheap mindset"

"Just go away Sasha. I'll deal with him" I hear Luca whisper to me. And I'm sure Nick heard it.

"OK" what else should I say? I'm not staying back for either of these two men.

I was about to turn.

Just a second was missed.

But then, he slices a large flickblade across Luca's neck so fast, that half of the blood splashes on my face, on my neck, on my clothes. At this time, I feet like it isn't Luca, but my gut through where the flickblade fired. All my senses vanish. His body sways and drops on the floor, like a mannequin, spluttering the blood. 

More blood spills from his neck, coloring the white tiles to red. A pool of red water spreading on the floor, as if someone left a water pipe open without stopping the flow. 


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