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Few months later...

"Are you done already?" Edward asks from outside the door. I just look at it. I don't reply.

I hear him knock and I get frenzied. I place the pregnancy test on the counter, go open the door, walk outside and close it behind me.

"What happened?" he asks observing me. I know he's gonna be worried.

"We have to wait for sometime" I crack my knuckles. He softly grabs my hands in his while rubbing his thumb back and forth and then speaks "Look, it's gonna be alright. Don't get worried Sashi"

I rub my hands on my pants because they're sweaty and sticky. I let out a shaky breath then.

"You're getting frantic as if you're going for GCSEs"

I shake my head "Its not a time to joke Edward, I'm so scared!" I walk past him and sit on the chair against the wall. I bend over to rest my head on my interlocked fingers. I don't know why I feel like I needed more time to think. I know I'm ready for this responsibility but since I'm the clumsiest person on earth, I doubt if anything would horribly go wrong because of me.

"What's wrong? I thought you'd be excited" I find Edward sitting on a knee with a hand on mine "Are you afraid because of the last time?"

My gut twists. And I suddenly feel to vomit, because of stress.

Yes. Because of the last time. I told him everything. I don't want anything to go wrong like last time. And we can't be sure about what's going to happen next. It's always unpredictable.

I slowly nod.

"Look, it's going to be alright. Yes we're not sure about what will happen next but we can just be positive and always hope for the best for it to really happen"

I suddenly feel panic stricken, which pulls me up from my chair and I begin moving like a headless chicken "I feel like I'm not ready yet. I'm already a clumsy person. I can't take care of myself already, how do you think like handle a child Edward-I can't. Oh God!" I press my face with my palms.

He grabs my arms and stops me from moving "Relax Sasha!"

I pause and watch him. My face still panic stricken.


I slowly do.

"Now speak"

"I still doubt...because I feel like I can't do this" I quietly say "I've tried handling kids before... I just can't. It's hard" for part time job when mom and dad passed away, I was all alone at home so I just took up the job of babysitting for my university fees. It was horrible. I couldn't handle three babies at one time. And not even one at a time. One of them vomited at me, the other one peed on my favorite lilac jumpsuit and the third of ripped a few hair strands from the root.

"You don't have to doubt-you should keep it away" he soothes with his deep comforting voice "Just take it out of your mind and put is aside. Don't look back at it OK?"

I incline my head.

"Shall we check now?"

I get and walk in the washroom. My quivering fingers grip it from the counter without looking at it and then I step out of the washroom, like a stiffened robot.

"What is it?" he asks a hand on my arm. When I look into his eyes, I find eagerness behind them. So much of eagerness that I doubt if I should tell him that. I didn't check. And I know he's going to be annoyed.

I don't think it's any time to lie for "I didn't check it yet"

His face etches itself into bored expression. I got it. He's annoyed with this behavior of mine. I feel bad for troubling him. I'm even troubled with myself. But I still don't gather courage.

"I'll check it" he takes it from my hand and glances at it. I scrutinize his expression while he doesn't show any. His eyes are just fixed at it, as if he's paused from moving.

"...Edward? What does it say?"

He gulps and his head slowly lifts to look at me at me. From what I can say, he's shocked and makes me shocked too "I don't know what it means..."

Oh God!

I seize it from him and look. I look.

Even I'm surprised that I got the courage. Well I don't think about that much right now. I slowly drop on the chair with my head fixed to watch the little test in my hand and...


My hand goes to my mouth after a gasp. Again, Edward sits on his knee looking up at me "Tell me"

I let out a long breath while puffing my cheeks. Eyes closed. I let out that anxiety of those ten minutes. I open my eyes and nod at him with a pursed smile "You're gonna be a dad"

He blinks and his blue orbs creep all over me while he breaths. I'm sure he's trying to crack the dilemma of if this is a dream or reality. I gulp before I take his hand a place on my stomach, and brush my thumb against his knuckles. A tear drops from my eye. He wipes it with his thumb and kisses me.

"Congratulations" he tells me while the corner of his lips lift and his little dimple pops on his cheek "You have no idea how happy I am"

I lean closer to him while I have his face in my hands and whisper "Love you"

He lifts me in his arms as that handsome smile watches me "Love you more"

I put my hands around his neck. He walks out of the bedroom.

Everything I wished for, this man, this life, this happy ending is all in front of me. With me. I'm awfully grateful for this.

I couldn't ask for anything else.


"Wait-did I hear right?!" Mom strides to the room watching me. I'm on the sofa with a bowl of blueberries and strawberries which are my favorites in these days. I bite those in my mouth looking up at her and then at dad on his wheelchair brought forward by Aira after mom. The same excitement on his face.

She gets rid of her bag not caring much about it that it was supposed to be on the table but drops on the floor. She even ignores Edward who just wanted a side hug. After, dropping beside me, she couldn't stop kissing my whole face "My child I'm so happy for you!" she hisses, tears almost well up in her eyes.

I smile "Thank you"

"You have to take good care of yourself OK?"

"Congratulations Sasha! I wish you both have a girl" Aira adds, beaming.

I thank her as well.

"Let me get the gift for my kids" she quickly grabs her back, unzips it and pulls out a white envelope from it. And then hands it to me "This is your trip to babymoon"

I gasp and watch Edward's dropped jaw. That was a bit expensive. I doubt if I should take it. Seeing the smile on her face and the love for us, I don't think I shall deny it. So I thank her again and give her a tight hug.

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