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"You're not kidding me!" she says springing up from the chair.

"I'm not" I say blankly "I'm serious"

I can't tell from her face that she wants to believe me or not. It feels like she's being compelled by herself that she has to believe me for some reason. She should. Better for her.

I told her that Nick is not the guy of her type. He's a totally different one for a type of girl like Luna. She is innocent and calm. He's not. The type of Luna can have someone million or billion times better than Nick Pierce. She doesn't deserve to have someone like him until it's a punishment I swear.

"Why would you say so...?" she wonders to herself with one hand on her waist and the other one massaging her nape.

"Pop into your senses before its too late"

She cracks her knucklebones and bites her lower lip "Is there something else you're hiding from me?"

"No" I lie professionally. I guess. "I had told you each and everything"

"No you're lying"

I roll my eyes and then place my phone on the table "He was just...not a good guy. He had had many girlfriends and he cheated on many of them. He just uses girls as his toys. Many of my friends were victims as well" I want to hit myself for lying like this.

"Were you too...?" she asks reluctantly.

That hits me violently hard "...No"


"Yeah. He's just using you for the fact that you're pretty. He can dump you in like a trash whenever he desires" I hate it so much that I have to lie so much to her. I begin hating myself for this.

Her brows furrow like a kid who has faced unfairness. It's cute but sad

"You can talk to him if he has a past. But don't just tell him that I informed you all this. And promise that you won't inform him about his past girlfriends...please"

"Don't worry I won't. I'll just ask him if there's something about his past he would like to share...fine?"

I nod "Hey...please don't feel bad'

"NO!" she roars and turns heads towards her "Sorry guys! Hey I won't feel bad. Of course you're saying it for the betterment of me and only me. You're not just a cousin but a very good sister, a best friend, and you're just like my mother! I would kill you if you'd say that again!"

I blink my eyes multiple times regretting what I had said "Okay...sorry" then I decide to bring up the other topic "Do you know about Adam?"

She's puzzled "Adam...?" then thinks. 

"Who was he to me?"

She ponders about it. Leans back on her chair and rubs her chin "I guess he was your classmate in 12th grade"

"I do feel the same but the thing is I don't remember how he looks and for some reason, I feel like it's important for me to know how he does"

She sucks in her inner cheek while staring at the table as her mind machines out something I don't know. Then she says "I'm not sure...I have to go right now...sorry, and thanks" she gets up, grabs her phone and leave.


After I was done spewing, I cleaned up and wiped my mouth with a towel while I was all fatigued with exertion. I still feel puking again but it was just a thought. I step out of the washroom. My head has been torturing me as well. As I trudge into the hall, Edward on the sofa types something on his laptop. He looks up at me and asks "Are you alright?"

I nod while assuring "Don't worry"

"Your pukes were really loud. I was concerned"

"You don't have to," I lie, supporting my back with both of my hands in exhaustion and grimacing.

"You're not pregnant" he asserts reasonably. But then pauses and looks at me, his blue eyes examine me from toe to head "Or are you...?"

"I'm not..." I sigh getting drained of all the basic energy "I'm getting fatigued already"

He turns his head back at the laptop. Shuts it with a sigh and grabs my hand. As he makes me sit on his lap, he rests his chin on my shoulder "It's because you're exhausting yourself with unnecessary stuff"

"I know...but it's not unnecessary. It's important" I mumble innocently.

"Why's it so important? By the way, is it more important than your health?"

I turn my head at him and shake my head. My hand reaches for his and we intertwine our fingers.

"If you know all of it, then why are you risking yourself?"

I chew on my lower lip to pause before answering "I'm sorry if I troubled you"

He shakes his head as if I made an error in my sentence "You didn't. Don't worry"

He has to leave this midnight. I'm sad that I'll have to spend my time without him for a while. But then, its still me who forced him to go and if I stop him, it'll certainly take not a long while for him to consider me as a halfwit.

I walk him to the car and he places a kiss on my temple before leaving "I'll keep calling you everyday. And make sure you get food on time. And don't exhaust yourself. Oh- and drink plenty of water on time. Make sure you get rest-"

"Can you go?" I ask with curled lips slightly showing my annoyance towards him.

He nods "Take care. Love you.." he kisses me and sits in the car before pulling the door with a thud. Then the engine starts. The window trails down and he smiles at me. The car pulls backwards towards the entrance gate as it steers towards left and journeys down the road.

I drop my shoulders and let out a breath hoping he focuses well on his work.

When the car disappears, I run back into the home. Wait-he told me not to run, so I slow down and walk to my library. The only thing which will help me know about Adam is my old diary. When I didn't have a personal phone until the age of fifteen, I used to scrawl down in a chunky diary.

I still remember that one. I had bought it by meticulously collecting every penny which came into my way. From pocket money to birthday money. I had reliably saved them and tried my best to not spend them until I get that diary for myself. But now, I think it's not as new as it used to be. I used to maintain it really well. I don't even know if it's in the library or not.

I open the door and walk to my shelf. It has three cabinets at the bottom where I usually used to keep my course books and sample papers. But since that's over, it's been not so filled lately. I pull open the cabinet door and find only old magazines and recipe books. In the next one, I fine a dusty box. I pull it out and give it a blow, after which, some dust breezes aside of it. I placed it down and pull it open. There I find an album. I pull it out and place it aside but then, I find another diary. A moron coloured with a leather cover, which has a royal design on it. I pull it out and watch the chunkiness of it. On opening, there are pages on which I had scribbled about my day. I imagine about my older self. Mom and dad used to be with me. Sam used to be with me. We were a happy family. I force my tears back into their ducts and flip through the pages. I don't think I'll find something about Adam until I spot the sentence,

I wish nobody meets a jerk in school like Adam.

I grab a highlighter and highlight that sentence. When I flip through other pages and observe, I find nothing. Seriously...? I didn't write anything about Adam? I've written about all of my friends in almost every page except for this dude. By the way, he seems like something I hated back in my school days. So it's likely I won't mention him in my personal diary. As I continue flipping, I realize that it's not there. I just close the book and drop it in the box again.

Then there's a notification on my phone. I check and find a message form an unusually unknown number. After double tapping the banner, the chat pops on the screen and-

Shoot no! 

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