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He looks away disappointed when I should be the one having that feeling and expression. I couldn't ever believe Edward would say this to me. But I see something. 

I storm into the room and throw myself on the bed. I curl into a ball and weep silently. My tears skate from the corner of my eyes, down my nose bridge and gets absorbed by the bedsheet. I sniff heavily and swipe that tear on my nose. 

I watch the sky behind the clear balcony door, where the white translucent curtains and pushed aside. The full moon is really bright and some stars twinkle brightly. I'd be enjoying this view with him if all that wouldn't have happened. 

I haven't had food yet and he's not even bothered. I haven't seen his face after that. I just walked away after listening to his words that thrashed me. He didn't even care how it'd effect me. It's as if he's doing t on purpose. He's no longer the old Edward. He has changed. He's doing all of it for a purpose. And I think it's him cheating not me. 

I know I'm overthinking. I shouldn't be thinking all of that. 

He's the worst person I've ever met. This man just flipped my life with the best of his efforts to torture me. I hate him. I loathe him. 

I hear the door creak and steps against he floor. I pretend to fall asleep but I know he'll notice because of my soaked face. 

"I know you're faking to sleep" I hear his gravelly voice. 

I remain like that. Unmoved. 

"You know you can't hide it from me. Come on have food-I haven't had it either" 

I don't reply. My silence is the only weapon of revenge. It hurts more than physical or verbal force.

"Sasha, I won't say it again. Come and have food" he speaks firmly. 

I mentally laugh humorlessly. He's behaving as if he really loves me. He loves me. All Shit. Shit shit shit. That's all a lie. My Romeo was on his knees. Holding a rose towards me. A handsome smile on his face. All of this shit was a lie. A FREAKING LIE. 

"Alright," he says huskily and then I feel hands snaking my back and under my knees. I open my eyes with a jerk of my body only to find myself in his warm arms "No! Let go off me!" I jump in his arms and he quietly gets frustrated "If you won't then I'll bite your hand!" 

He takes me out of the room while I struggle to get out "That's won't fill your stomach. You need human food Sasha" I keep on jumping and he remains quite and unbothered when I do. 

"Why are you acting as if you care? You think I'm cheating on you right?" I finally stop. 

He doesn't give a reply and brushes away the topic from his head. He puts me down and gestures to sit at the chair of dining table. I fold my arms and look away. He pushes down my shoulders so that I sit. Then hands me a plate and puts some steak in it which I think he has prepared himself. Some fried rice and pours some water in the glass "If not for the sake of love, then for humanity, I care for you" 

I don't need this care when you don't love me Edward. I only need your pure love. I watch him as my chin trembles and hard lump forms in my throat. I gulp it down but it still remains "Edward...I really love you. You mean everything to me. Please don't leave me. I want to have you forever. I promise I'll never give you a chance to complain..." I begin sobbing as my tears roll down "I don't us to depart from each other. Please...please Edward" 

He watches me sadly and I feel like he's at the verge of consoling me. As if he'd just pull me to his chest, rub my arm and say 'don't worry Sasha I'm with you' he doesn't. He just stands up and leaves. Just stands up and leaves. 

The heck. 

It really hurts more than anything. His each swift step towards bedroom stabs me in the chest deeper and deeper as he departs.

I put my head on my arms folded on the table and sob heavily while my shoulders shake and I hiccup on each sob. 

I just then spring up from there and storm out of the house. 

I just want to be alone for a while. 

Just a while. 

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