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A few therapy sessions.


She couldn't. And she wouldn't.

It would definitely be hard because she didn't want to talk about it. She didn't want to tell anyone whatever happened there. I'm not sure why she only tells me, but I know that if it's not me, then she would never bring that topic out.

I've tried my best to divert her mind. She doesn't enjoy the stuff which she used to earlier. She doesn't read novels. She doesn't sit near computers and work. And she doesn't bake cakes anymore. She doesn't even watch Netflix or enjoy her favorite meetings chocolates.

All she really does, is just fold her hands and stand near the balcony to watch the streets behind out mini garden. She wouldn't even play with Velvet. The poor cat meows all the time and my wife just ignores it. The cat brings her toys to Sasha so that she can play, but no. Sasha doesn't moves.

I'm afraid if it deeply affected her.

I've been searching about the treatments of trauma. But there's nothing Sasha would apply on herself, or I think she would.

All of this is diverting my mind towards somewhere I don't want to consider or even think of. I don't want a Sasha who's facing trouble handling her personality. I don't want her to spend the rest of her life getting therapies and lose control over herself.

It's been around a week and trust me, there's not a single person I know who hasn't visited our house to meet her. They know about her kidnapping which I informed them.. But she doesn't know that they're aware of everything. Nick is arrested. Luca is dead. Nola isn't that stupid to appear out of the thin air where she'd disappear. She knows she's gonna be behind the bars.

I thought she'd be happy seeing mom and dad but she was just blank. She watched them for a while and as they hugged and kissed her, she was all pale and plain. I can understand. I didn't blame her for all of this. Even mom and dad didn't blame her for it.

But this is clearly not how she used to be. I have to do something before she completely loses herself.


I place the pet bowl with some Sheba cat food as I crouch down with an arm on my knee in front of Velvet who quickly begins munching on the snack. I completely forgot about the cat this morning. She was so hungry that she finished half of the bowl already. As she does, I brush my fingers across her head between her at ears.

"Edward?" I hear a soft voice.

I turn my head back. She has a hand on the doorway and she slowly takes a step forward as they falter.

"Come in" I turn back, not showing how fearful I am towards her behavior.

When she's close to me, I hear from her "Thank you"


Thank you?

For what?

I look back at her with furrowed brows and she nods "Thank you for always protecting me. I know it was you who came to the rescue last time. You took me to the hospital. You changed your name legally just for me right?"

She knows.

I don't have to lie now. She'd catch me if I do and also, I don't have to lie. I don't want to.

"I did that because I loved you" I stand up and face her "And I always will"

"I know you do" she says, nodding and then engulfing me with her arms and resting her head on my chest "I'm sorry for being like this. I'm always annoying you and fight with you. I'm not talking to anybody and you might be embarrassed because of it"

"I'm not embarrassed of your behavior Sasha. Please don't think all of that. I just want you to relax. Don't think about what happened but think about the future. We're together now. You should be happy" I rub her head gently and kiss.

She pulls away and looks up at me. A little smile forms on her face "Yeah...we're together. We'll be always together now"

I grab her cold hands in mine. They're not soft as they were, but rough now. But I'm glad that I got this opportunity to hold them finally. I rub my thumb against them back and forth.

"Can I ask you something?" she asks quietly.

I hum in question.

"Can I visit the psychiatrist if you don't mind?"

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