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"Can you please hold me?" she pleads with pulled up brows and a trembling chin. A sniff follows.

I embrace her in my arms and brush a hand across her hair before giving it a light kiss.

It's the first time we've talked calmly in these six months. When we were coming back, we didn't talk in Max's car. Thea and Kiera went with Asher.

The whole way, she was quite. She just stared at the window while weeping silently. I just held her hand but she didn't look at me.

I noticed that bristle and dried wound on her neck and wrist. I think I would be better not to remind her of it. She's already traumatized.

"I knew you'd come to save me..." she squeaks trying to control those tears. But her face is soaked and her lips are parched already "I used to wait near the window. Because they wouldn't let me get out of the room. They said 'If you don't want to get burned, stay here quietly'"

My fist tightens. I'm sure she can see the rage in me right now. But I'll have to push it away. I can't do this right now.

I place a hand on her cheek and kiss "Perhaps I had to come. Because, I love you. I love you from the bottom of my heart and I always will"

"I missed you so much" she tells while her throat is barely able to make any kind of voice other than sobbing. Velvet jumps on the bed and rubs her head against Sasha who's just way too disturbed to notice it.

"I missed you too..." my eyes swim in tears and I rub with my thumb "My each day, was like a nightmare...I'd think about you and I couldn't focus on anything else-I didn't even want to. It was as if part of me was taken away. You have no idea how hollow my life became without you Sasha, I couldn't just make it to five months without you. I felt like I would die any moment. If I'm here with you right now, I'd honestly say that I'm the luckiest person on earth"

And then, she rests her head on my chest and I wrap an arm around her again and the other one brushing on the head between Velvet's ears. I can feel Sasha's warmth against my skin. That warmth which I've yearned for. We didn't have these moments in a long while, which seems like years and decades. I didn't know how much I waited for her. How long that horrible time was spent by me. But now that I have her back, it feels like it was nothing more than a nightmare.

Just like I woke up from one and breath out in relief 'Oh, it was just a dream. It's gone. Everything is alright'

We remain just like that as if all our pain will be washed away and it really does. It's at least better than not talking or making things awkward for each other. It's been so long, and we're in the same position. In the same silence. In the same home which has so many memories stored in those silently stiff walls.

"Edward" she calls quietly and looks up at me "There's something you have to know"

I hum.

"I love you so much"

I don't say anything because I just can't. My chin trembles and I feel warmth in my eyes which then tear up. I cup her face a wipe her tears with my thumb. I plant my lips on her forehead and then we rest our forehead on each other's.


"Edward..." she mumbles looking up at me "They won't come again here right?"

I brush a few strands of her hair behind her ear and she continues to look up at me. Her head on the pillow and I'm just seated beside her to make her feel protected and safe.

"They won't" I assure looking down at her while the yellow light of the lamp lightens her face "Please go back to sleep" I bend and peck her forehead.

She slowly closes her eyes and tightens her grip on my hand.

A while passes and I just watch her looking innocent while she's fast asleep. I feel like she's never got this kind of rest and I'm glad she did now. I lie down beside her and re-adjust the blanket on her shoulder.

You have no idea how my life was all this time. How much I've yearned for you. For your smiles. For those hugs and kisses. For yourself.

I'm ready to strangle him who has done this to you. What really want to do is, smash him into pieces. I wish I could kill him that way so that he remains unnoticed and lurks in the unknown places of hell.

I never wanted my Sasha to be hurt to such an extent that she'd ever feel that it was the end of her life. I would have fought with her, or said a few hurtful things to her, but no one else has the right to do this to her. She's mine.

Only mine.

Her eyes and lips twitch for a moment and she whimpers "No..."

I almost get up, confused at her.

"No...don't...please...it hurts" her brows are arched up and she wrings her hands drowsily as if telling someone to stop doing something "Please don't burn me...Edward I miss you"

I frown, watching her.

"Please save me..." she begins to sob. No tears but I can say that she imagines them to be on her face.

"Sasha!" I call placing hand on her cheek and then tap it twice. She jerks and wakes. Quickly, she gets up and pushes backwards towards the headrest while her wide eyes recall. Her giant breaths do not stop until a few seconds. I be quite till then.

I don't want her to recall it.

"You had a bad dream. That's it"

She looks at me, a slight confusion encountering her shaky self. Her plump lips tremble.

"You're fine now Sasha. It was just a bad dream. Nobody will hurt you. Nobody will burn you or abuse you. You're safe. I'm always with you"

"No..." she whispers to herself "They were...he was coming. He had a...lighter in his hand" she curled her hand as if she were holding the lighter.

"No, he didn't come. You were dreaming. Nothing happened Sasha"

"It was a dream?"

I nod.

She then slowly slips back into the blanket and looks at the almost open door, then pulls the blanket over her face quickly.

I go and shut the door. And lock it.

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