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"See," he speaks to kill the silence of horror "See. Did you see this? This is the punishment you'll receive from me"

Sweat trickles from my forehead down the sides of my cheek and my palms become sticky due to it. I feel cold air against my neck-also due to the tiny sweat droplets.

"I bet you'll follow my commands from now"

My breath shortens. I haven't moved. I forgot I could breath. If forgot about everything.

"Ah yes!" He says in realization and then rubs his forehead "Nola. She's somewhere you might never reach. Somewhere far away" he laughs after saying that "No, she's alive. She's just vanished in thin air. Nobody knows why and where"

I swallow down my dry throat. My spine tingles every seconds. I can't believe what just had happened. It's either traumatizing or life changing vision.

He comes closer and lifts my chin with the flat front of the flick blade. I can feel something warm under my chin now. The blood. I don't know how to react because my hands are trembling. My legs are trembling and I can feel any sense very abnormally. Like half of the sensation is whipped away.

I find him grunting, after a whack landed on his face, thrashing him against the console tables and the showpieces of it bounce slightly and shatter into parts and powders. The flickblade slides against the floor and rotates violently like a fan before it slows down and brings a stop.

The figure was already in front of me. I just failed to notice because of the trauma.

He was wearing a blue flannel jacket, his hoodie rested below his neck and he had black linen trousers on. His hair was brown and short. Behind his neck, they slightly curled inwards. I could see his long greenish nerves bulging out from the skin of his arms below the rolled up sleeve of his jacket, when his fist was clenched and quivering due to the clamping.

I didn't even take a second to recognize Edward.

My Edward.

I wanted to go and enfold him tightly with my arms. But the moment, I step forward to do so, he runs forward.

He tries to resist Nick's sudden and violent approach towards me, by shoving him back from where he'd try to bolt towards me.

He quickly spins his head back at me, a second of shock after seeing half of my face covered with blood and with that frenzied look, he roars "Go away! Just go to the car! They're waiting for you"

I nod-which he does not notice and make it to the out of the hall. The dead body was still laying on the floor which I chose not to look at.

I step down the little porch and make a beeline towards the black large car.

Our car.

I haven't seen it in months.

I almost tear up but then, they drop from my eyes when I notice Thea, Kiera and Asher in the car. I quickly pull the door of the backseat and jump inside. I want to embrace her but she's shocked after seeing me.


"It's not my blood" I interrupt.

Her eyes scan over the whole me. She swallows and looks up at me again. Concern in her eyes as she wants to ask so much to me. She knows she can't.

"Don't," I say with concern for myself as well "I've got over this" I breath out slowly while I'm confused I'm trying to assure her of myself "I've made it till here finally"

Kiera unzips her bag and hands Thea a small pink towel "Wipe it off"

Thea grabs it and rubs it against my neck while I process my trauma and then down my neck "Thanks" I say quietly.

I don't thank her for wiping the blood off me. I thank her for being there. For always being there when I needed her. I don't think millions of Thankyous will be enough.

"Why thank you? Was it not a duty of ours? We had to come after all because we love you-now don't cry. Let's go get another pair of clothes so that you can change"

I then swipe my tear and cry. I begin hiccupping and sobbing. I cry as if they're the tears of all those months I had controlled.

She pulls me into a hug and rubs my back.

I feel like the I'm luckiest person in life.

After I pull away, I slowly wipe my cheek again.

"What's that on your neck?" Kiera asks in shock "Is that a burnt mark?"

Asher turns from the driver's seat and peers over me with stretched eyes and parted lips.

I nod.

"That's on your hands too!" he adds concernedly.

I can't...

I don't want tot recall that.

All of those harsh moments I've spent in that hell.

I don't want to think about it again.

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