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"She's fine?" Nick asks with a raised brow.

I think Luca and Nola nod, I don't know. I'm pretending to be asleep on the bed "I don't want any sort of a dead loss"

"I know, I've been preparing the food from home because of that. The restaurant food everyday and every time could be harmful for her. And you pretty well know, we can't let he die or injured. We have to have her alive and healthy" Nola speaks. Well, at least she has a drop humanity for whatever reason.

"The only freaking reason we're spending all our money on. That healthy expensive food. Those clothes. They were so expensive. I have to wait to pay my bills now" Luca complains sharply.

"I'll pay you later, just do whatever you want to do with her" Nick says "Just threaten her if she doesn't agree. Try being a bit harsh from now on, but don't hit her or burn her. Just verbal"

I'm tired of mentally cursing him. Of being confined in this room. Of imagining for the day Edward will come to save me- but I'm sure he'll come. He will.

I don't hear anything for a while.

"That's great, she won't tell anyone about us then as well. And if she does, it's not likely for them to believe her"

He hums, "You'll just be tangling my plan if you don't implement on it-just control that freaking anger of yours"

"Yeah yeah"

"Keep that lighter away. It'd be better" Nola suggests.

He hums and I hear a click and drop. He probably kept the lighter on the desk "Blimey" he mutters "You should have had control on your anger as well. When you gave it a shot it last time, it worked. You should have done it now as well"

What the-

Last time?

What does she mean by that!

"I wanted that drug to have an effect on her! Not the baby!"

My breaths shorten. I have weird feelings in my chest. She killed last time, that means she killed my first child...



She did not do that!!

Why would she?!

Such an enmity! What have I done to her?!

I want to cry right now. I want to cry so bad. I just want to wail the loudest to let everything out of me. It wouldn't still make things better, because she took away what was the most dearest to me and that pain is infinite. It never stops. Never.

I wish I was with Edward. I always wished if I were with him. I would want to scream my lungs out to whatever she has done.

"Wake her up, it's lunch time"

I get it now...

Nick wants me to say the police that all about his father involved in illegal business was false. The only witness were me, Mom and Dad. Not Sam because he was in Germany for his studies. So if I speak up about his dad, he thinks it's going to be easy for him to bail Paul Pierce who's under trail. As if I'll let that happen.

They're taking care of me because they don't want the constables to get an inch of the idea that they've been burning and mentally abusing me.

After a while, I feel a tap on my shoulder "Hey"

I pretend to slowly turn towards them and rub my eye hiding that pain. I'll cry over it later. I'll wail and scream my lungs out. All later when Edward we take me home.

"Lunch time, get up" she says and both of them empty the room. They were waiting for Nick to leave I guess "I'll get food"

I get up with a frustrated grunt. Luca strangely peers over me for a while, like he sees someone behind me or to say, that he's trying to overcome the dilemma of something related to me.

He scratches his temple with a jerk of his brows and empties the room.

What was he thinking...?

I mean, it was the different side of him I've seen in these...in some months I don't know. Not the dark, irrational, raged or frustrated Luca but a thoughtful, reasonable and sensible one.

It was definitely strange because he's just been so indifferent towards his sister. I could hear them yelling at each other like pissed couples-sounds weird I know. Maybe because he's a narcissist. And he wants only his points to be proved correct.


After the lunch, I rest my back against the backrest of the bed and close my eyes.

In these five months around one fifty days, I've always sat near the window and waited for him. There was no other way to escape because these people now have a good security. I screamed for help a billion times, but the neighbors in Dorset never came. Or maybe never existed. I don't know.

I would bang my hands against the window and door until they were red and my energy was gone.

Nothing worked.

None of it worked.

What he said was true. I shouldn't have tried to act smart because it will lead to my loss only. If there was any way I can be saved, is someone.

I remember it...Nick put a hand on the head of the chair on which my back rested and leaned forward around three days ago "You're still provided with enough time. Come on just do it"

"I won't say anything to the police. I will never!" I spat.

His face carved into an image of rage "Burn her Luca" he turned towards his tail-Luca who froze with fear in his eyes. He gave me that glance and I rolled my eyes. I'm used to the burns now.

"I SAID BURN HER!" Nick yelled.

I know their plans. I've heard them discussing about it a billion times. And Nick would say it almost every time 'She's just experiencing karma'

And I've never understood what have I ever done to experience a karma. I didn't lie. I didn't cheat. I didn't accuse his father.

Who did all of that.

And HE'S experiencing karma not me. 

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