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"You had a friend back in eight grade. We were good friends. Adam, me and you. I wouldn't say me and you were good friends but our trio was amazing, just like Harry potter's"

I blink and listen to him as his clenched fists rest on his knees. The bench was really comfortable to sit on along with the moving and rustling of the foliage until today, when they give me chills whenever he pauses. I gulp and move a hand through Velvet's back who rests on my lap. I'm just doing it to make myself feel better more than herself. 

"But then, his father got transferred to Ireland amd that's where they're staying now"  he finishes off blankly. 

"So... they're in Ireland?" 

He nods casually. The way he says it actually seems like he's saying the truth. But deep inside, part of me says that this story is curtained behind some dark. And the light to find it, is something or someone. Other than Edward. 


Finally, all the work is over and I can get some good sleep. I think of watching some k-dramas but I'm really tired and want to rest. But the thought of Adam still makes me restless. 

I have to think to something in order to know about this person. The thought just crosses my mind to ask Edward again, but it brush is off because I'm aware how futile it is. 

"Sashaa!!!" he yells and my whole body jerks upon that husky and rough roar. 

He runs into the bedroom. Honestly, he ran like a child and he was awfully adorable when he did that. Of course I won't tell him his. 

"My shoelaces are not tying again" he shows his untied shoes.

I sigh and get down the bed while he sits on it. I tie his shoelaces quietly. Sometimes, he acts so dumb that wonder if he's the real Edward or an imposter. The urge in me keeps on rising and rising. I want to ask him. So badly. He seems to be in a good mood. So I don't have to worry that he's gonna get fumy when I'll bring the Adam topic. 


He hums.

"Can you tell me more about Adam?" 

He doesn't seem to be in the mood of talking anymore "That dude again huh? How'd I know that much about him? I've just known him because of you" 


"He was your dad's friend's son. We met when he first came in school and you made us meet" he explains.

I think.

"I think your should try asking Luna. She'll help you remember. But now, I have to go, bye" he kisses my temple before leaving "Have food on time okay?" 

Luna's name reminds me of something. I still wonder about her. Shall I tell her about what had happened in the past? Or shall I keep it a secret? I mean-Nick seemed to have changed a lot. That's obviously good for me and her, but something pokes my heart pushing me to the side of believing that he hasn't changed. Or something is wrong. 

I hate this feeling. 

I grab the cordless and dial her number then hold it to my ear. It rings and on the second one I hear "Hey Sasha!" in her cheerful voice. 

"Hey...Are you free?" 

"Yea..." she utters in tone which says her attention is grabbed by something else for a while "I took half-day because my head was aching. But I'm fine now...why'd you ask though?" 

"I wanna talk" 

A silence goes through the phone for a few seconds "What is it about...?" 

I poke my cheek with my tongue. 

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