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I drive down after the traffic signal and give a quick look to the rear-view mirror. It's been a while since a mysterious, large red car has been following me. I wonder if I should call someone and ask. But it's been just a while. Not so long but not so short.

I decide what I shall do next. I turn the steering at the turn and push my car towards right. After driving straight, I stop the car aside. It's a good way to check who's that person in the car and why trying to follow me, I guess. I get down, turn and step ahead while my eyes scowl at the freaking person who is on the driver's seat grabbing the steering and watching me innocently. I rest my hands on his window and signal for him to pull it downwards. Once he does, I grasp his collar and pulls him violently "Why the hell you're stalking me huh?"

He has fear behind those black eyes. His black cap drops revealing his blonde hair. A navy blue pullover shirt is above the grey collars under my clutch.

I feel like he's going to cry, due to his trembling chin. So I let go off him, but my hand still grips on the edge of the window fiercely while my other hand is on my waist "Why were you following me?" I decide to ask calmly.

He falters to speak "Uh..."

I hold his front hair in my fist and tilt his head to face me to warn "If you won't tell me, I'll note down your car number and call the police for being a victim of harassment"

He frowns "I didn't harass you!"

I fold my arms "Then why followed?"

He grits "I told you it's my personal thing. Why should I tell you?"

I scowl at him "You won't?"

"I-I mean..." he sighs then.


I shockingly grasp the corners of the table, lean forwards and with widened eyes say "YOU FELL FOR HER?"

And he shudders so hard that the fruit cocktail he had, shook and dropped on his pullover. I didn't care.

"I can't believe you're the same guy" I rest back and say. I never knew he'd prove himself to be Luca Hong. Edward's teammate and best friend in school back then.

"I saw her when you were both in the restaurant...fighting together" he hesitates to say the last two words.

I get alert "Fighting? No we weren't. We were just discussing something"

"Luna..." he mumbles to himself dreamily "What a name...so pretty"

I don't even have to think about it. Luca is way more better than Nick. If I'd been given option to choose between Nick and some other guy, it'd surely be the latter. Even if I don't know his name or how he looks.

"So tell me," I say "You really love her?"

He nods.

"You won't cheat on her?"

He shakes his head.

"You want to date or marry?"

"Marry!" he says eagerly as if he's been waiting for it. I could say it for sure. "I don't want to waste any more time and I want to have her forever"

I nod "That's good...I'll tell you what to do"


"What's wrong Sasha?" Sam asks wearily "You're just playing without food, you're not eating!"

I move my spoon across the fried rice scattered on my plate. The boiled chicken pieces are also left uneaten. I've lost my appetite since shitty Nick has threatened me.

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