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"Shit!" He roars kicking off the chair which drops and bounces against the floor and I flinch "WHY?!" He shouts at me with his V shaped muscles on the neck bulge out "THIS SHOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED!!!"

I turn away and clap my hands on my ears.

"You know it about me now...I CAN'T EVEN KILL YOU!"

I hear shattering of glass and I flinch that instant. Where are you Edward? Please come to me.

I soon smell his scent. He grips my wrist and makes me face him violent. He's close. So close that I feel his breath against my face and he eyes mine "You heard nothing. You saw NOTHING!" he roars the last word.

I pause and just watch him.

'Oh I heard nothing and saw nothing!' *cries*

I'm not that coward now. When he looks me, I force my eyes into his glaring at him like a lioness "I saw and heard everything. I know you're a sociopath and I'll let Nick know that you couldn't hide this secret of yours"

His expression darkens and he vibrates due to anger. I doubt if I should have said ALL of that "I'll kill them" he breaths "I'll kill those --- people!"

My fist violently swings backwards and with great strength, it thrusts forward right on his face, between and below his eyes right on his nose. His head whips backwards with a flip of his hair and so do his steps.

When he's looking back at me, his nose is pink and a drip of blood gradually skates form his right nostril.

"Nothing about them" I warn, shaking my head quickly. I know my eyes are widened "Nothing about my family" he could've said anything. Anything but this.

He nods and sniffs rubbing the blood with his thumb and snapping it. He pulls out the lighter from his pocket again "Not the Taser, because it will make you unconscious or maybe kill you. I want to see you in pain" he handcuffs my wrists together while I stretch wide my eyes and gasp when he pins me against the wall. His grip is too tight. I tried kicking him but he moves sideways.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shout.

He flicks the lighter when the tiny flame-tiny but dangerous-rises. His smirk watches my fearful face. His hand moves towards my neck and I feel the warmth of it against my skin. Again, the burns.


Very cold.

That second gets over and the flame pierces across my skin following my shrill screams. I think it bleeds also because it feels like something is dripping from my neck and skating down my collarbone.

It pains so much. I've never experienced such a pain ever in my life.

I cry so much.

I scream so much

I struggle so much.

But the skin just tears me and doesn't stop torturing my whole body.

Thirty seven.

He kept the lighter on with the flame over my skin for thirty seven seconds. The longest ones of my life.

After that, he dumps me on the floor before slamming the door shut.

My hands are numb.

My legs are all numb and sore and they tremble.

It feels like I can't help even a bit to stop my hand from quivering while my eyes swim in tears. Not even my legs and hands quiver but my breaths as well. I can't do anything else now. I'm just done with it.

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