you get sick at school

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i was sitting in biology class when all of a sudden i became very nauseous. i haven't really been feeling well since i woke up but mom had to go to the studio today so i sucked it up.

i tried to focus on my breathing. i didn't even realize my teacher called on me to answer a question.

"y/n? are you even paying attention?" my teacher said

"yeah, sorry i just zoned out a little." i said as i looked up at the teacher. my teacher had a worried expression on her face.

"y/n are you feeling alright?" she asked

"not really. can i go to the bathroom?" i asked

"yes and if you need you can go to the nurse as well." she said

"okay.." i said as i got up and hurried to the bathroom.

as soon as i got into the bathroom i immediately began to throw up. i started to get chills but at the same time i was sweating like a hog. i felt so miserable. after i finished i made my way to the nurses office.

"hi honey what can i do for you?" the nurse asked in a cheerful voice

"um i threw up." i said

"well i didn't see you throw up. so unless i see you throw up or a teacher sees you throw up i can't do anything for you." she said

"are you serious?" i asked

"yeah sorry. you should probably go back to class." she said

i just left it at that because i didn't feel well enough to argue with her. i eventually made it back to my concert after a few dizzy spells.

"y/n why are you back?" the teacher asked

"she said she couldn't do anything because i didn't throw up in the nurses office." i said as i sat down and put my head down.

"well just by the looks of you you don't look good. you're very pale." she said. "i'm going to call her and tell her to check you out. why don't you start making your way back down there, okay?" she said as she grabbed the phone on her desk.

"okay.." i said. i began my walk back down to the nurses office and as soon as i got there i felt the need to throw up again. i grabbed the trash can and began throwing up. i just wanted to go home. after i finished i asked the nurse if i could call my mom. she finally let me.

the phone rang a couple of times until she finally picked up.

"hello?" my mom said

"hey mom" i said

"oh lord what did you do this time. if you did something i can't get there till like 2 hours because it's very busy in the studio today" she explained

"oh..." i said

"whats the matter baby? are you okay?" she asked concerned.

"no i just threw up two times, but if you can't be h-'' i said before i got interrupted.

"i'm on my way y/n" she said.

"no it's okay mom your busy." i said

"and? you're sick. i'll be there in five minutes" she said

"okay.." i said

"love you" she said

"love you too mom"

after i hung up i walked over to the bed in the nurses office. she came over and took my temperature.

"100.7, you've gotta fever girlfriend" she said as she wiped off the thermometer.

"oh.." i said as i began to shiver from my chills.

"i'll go get your stuff you just relax here. okay?" the nurse said

"okay." i said. i decided to shut my eyes for a little to help the nausea but i was also just really tired in general. after a few moments i heard the familiar voice of my mom and i got up from the bed and she took me home. i ended up having the stomach flu for a whole week and it was not fun one bit

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