im worried about you

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y/n age: 13

i know the timeline doesn't match up but just pretend it does lol

tw:// ed

i've been on tour this summer with mom and it's been a lot of fun. dad comes when he can because he has football starting back up. we've been having a great time but i'm really worried about my mom. she's been avoiding food. i don't know if she's ever had problems with this before so i'm really worried.

today my mom doesn't have a show so we decided to explore milan today. i'm super excited because this is my first time in italy so this should be fun.

"hey mom are you almost ready?" i asked.

"yeah i am just give me a few minutes then i'll be down" she said. she sounded like she was crying but i wasn't really sure.

"are you okay mom?" i asked.

"yeah. why wouldn't i be?" she asked.

"oh nothing i was just wondering" i said and i left her room.

as sat on the couch scrolling on my phone waiting for her. as promised she came down a few minutes later and we left the hotel. i don't know how these fans figure out where we're staying but as we were leaving the hotel was swarmed with my moms fans screaming and paps taking our pictures. as we got into the car i noticed how uncomfortable my mom looked.

"mom are you sure you're okay?" i asked again. she nodded her head but she didn't look over at me she kept her gaze forward. i knew she wasn't okay. as much as my mom thinks she's good at hiding her emotions, i can always tell when she's not telling the truth.

as we were site seeing we came across this restaurant and we decided to go eat there. as in we i mean i. mom didn't eat a single thing.

"mom you don't want anything to eat? you didn't eat breakfast this morning either. aren't you hungry?" i asked while i was eating my pizza.

"i'm ok y/n. i'm not that hungry.." she said. she didn't look good. she was definitely skinnier and it was really noticeable.

"mom..." i said.

"yeah?" she said.

"i'm worried about you." i said.

"me? why? i'm fine!" she said with a giggle

"you're not eating anything and it's not healthy for you. you have a show tomorrow you need to eat at least something.." i said.

"y/n i'm okay i promise" she said

"okay..." i said. i didn't believe her at all.

fast forward to tomorrow and we are at the stadium and mom is doing soundcheck. while i'm watching mom do rehearsals i get a facetime from dad

"hi dad!" i said.

"hey girly! how's it going?" he asked.

"it's going good. wait isn't it like really early there? it's only like 12 her so it's like 5 in the morning where you are" i said with a giggle.

"yeah it's pretty early but we have morning workouts today" he explained.

"ohhhhh" i said.

"how's your mom?" he asked. i paused for a moment. should i tell him what's going on? or should i not?

"y/n?" he said.

"oh sorry i just zoned out for a little..." i said. "i'm actually really worried about mom.." i said.

"what? why? is she okay?" he asked.

"i don't know she's like barely eating anything and i'm worried. she's always making excuses on to not eat." i said.

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