first time

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y/n age: 13

my stomach has been hurting all day and i don't know why. i go downstairs to talk to my mom.

"mom?" i say

"yeah?" she says taking her eyes off her laptop.

"my stomach hurts" i said.

"oh i'm sorry baby. what does it feel like?" she said as she stood up and walked over to me.

"i don't know how to explain it" i say groaning

"do you want some tylenol?" mom asks and i nod my head.

"thank you mom" i say after she gives me the medicine.

"of course baby" she said as she hugged me

"i'm gonna go to bed now i'm tired" i said.

"okay goodnight y/n" she said with a smile

"night mom" i said as i started walking to my room.

in the morning i woke up and my stomach was hurting way worse. i got up and went to the bathroom. when i pulled down my underwear i saw blood. what the fuck is going on?

i quickly did my business and left the bathroom. when i walked over to my bed and saw blood on my sheets.

"mom...?" i yelled.

"what happened baby are you okay" she said as she came rushing in.

"mom something's wrong" i said as tears started to fall out my eyes.

"hey hey shhh what happened why are you crying" mom said as she hugged me.

"i'm bleeding" i say.

"oh that's an easy fix let's get a band aid" my mom said.

"no... not like that mom.." i said. then i saw the realization in her face.

"ohhh baby it's okay" she said as she hugged me.

"why am i bleeding?" i say

"you got your period baby" she said with a chuckle. "it's perfectly normal and every girl gets it." she explains. "that actually explains why your stomach was hurting last night."

"what am i supposed to do?" i ask

"i can give you some stuff follow me" mom says. i follow her to her room and see dad laying in the bed.

"come in here y/n" mom said.

"mom this is embarrassing." i say

"you have nothing to be embarrassed about" mom said

"i know but dad is in here it's embarrassing" i say quietly.

"do you want me to ask him to leave?" mom asks and i nod.

"okah baby i'll be right back stay here" she said quickly. soon enough she was back in the bathroom.

"okay it's just you and me now" mom said.

"okay..."i said

"now since it's your first time you'll probably want a pad. we can worry about tampons later." she said.

"ok i how do i put it on"

"okay so you're gonna take it out the plastic and you're gonna put the sticky side on your underwear. then you'll open the wings and fold them under. okay?" she explained

"ok" i said and took the pad and went into the part of the bathroom with the toilet. i did what my mom said and i think i put it on right.

"you all set?" my mom asked. i nodded my head.
"good. you'll just have to change it every 3-4 hours okay?"

"okay" i said.

"you have any questions?" my mom says.

"why did i have to get this" i said.

"it's so you can have kids when your older"

"well what if i don't want kids" i said

"that's your choice but your period is a part of your body" she said.

"ugh! and why does my stomach hurt so much" i said annoyed.

"oh those are just cramps. do you want a heating pad that can help?" she says and i nod.

"ok now do you want dad to pick up the stuff you need or me?" mom asked.

"dad. i want you to stay. but i don't want dad to know." i say.

"okay ill just tell him it's for me" she says.

"thanks mom. i love you" i say giving her a hug.

"of course baby. congratulations" she said.

"ew mom no please don't say that" i said as i cringed. my mom just laughed.

i think everything will be just fine.


a/n: i'm lucky enough that i don't get cramps so i honestly don't know how they feel but yeah. anyway this was requested so i hope yall enjoyed lysmmmm

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