tokyo pt2

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very long awaited highly requested pt 2 of tokyo😛 anywayyyy singapore n1!!! i started crying when i heard the opening notes to idwlf AND THEN she mashed it up with dress so im not okay right now. i have been personally victimized by taylor swift a lot recently.. alsoooo she went live but there was no announcement??? i think we r getting an announcement tmrw and that very announcement might be rep tv related🤡 can't wait for n2!!!

anywayyyy enjoyyyyyy <3

your pov;

there my mom was laying on the stretcher screaming in pain. i just stood there. i felt paralyzed.

"who let this little girl in the room??? where's the security?" she grunted through her teeth.

huh? i thought to myself.

i continued to stand there and the paramedics began to ask her questions.

"can you tell me your name?" the paramedic asked. he was checking for memory because she had hit her head which knocked her out.

"um taylor. taylor swift" she answered.

"good and do you know where you are right now?" he asked.

"u-uhm i'm on tour i think?" she said her voice shaky.

"good do you know what country you're in?" he asked

"i-i don't remember" she said.

then i felt a hand on my shoulder. it was tree.

"y/n i think it will be best if we leave" she said.

"no i want to stay with my mom.." i said trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

"y/n i don't want to scare you but she doesn't remember much okay? you know when she was talking about there being a random kid in the dressing room?" she asked. i nodded. "she was talking about you." she said.

i felt my heart drop. it felt as if i had been hit with a truck. someone i love the most forgot who i was? i felt myself gag.

"y/n are you okay? are you gonna be sick?" tree asked.

"n-no i'm fine.." i said as i walked past her out into the halls of backstage.

i walked outside to get some fresh air. i sat in this corner and called my dad.

y: you t: travis

y: "dad?" i said as i held back a sob
t: "hey baby are you okay?" he asked.
y: "she doesn't remember dad" i said as i let out a sob.
t: "what do you mean baby?" he asked confused.
y: "she doesn't remember me. she hit her head really hard dad" i said as i was sobbing hysterically.
t: "it's okay baby that usually happens. just breathe your going to be okay" he said as he tried to comfort me.
y: "daddy?" i asked
t: "yes baby?" he asked softly
y: "when are you going to get here i need you" i said as i kept crying.
t: "i'll be there by tomorrow baby. just hang in there okay" he said.
y: "okay. i gotta go j think they're transporting mom now" i said
t: "all right keep me updated baby" he said
y: "okay. i love you, bye"
t: "love you too baby" he said as i hung up.

i quickly recollected myself and as i stood up i looked out in the distance and made eye contact with a pap. what the fuck? are you serious. i just scoffed and went back inside the stadium.

travis pov

as soon as i hung up with y/n i felt myself start to panic. tay didn't even remember our own daughter. would she remember me? i just need this flight to hurry up so i can be with my girls. i decided to head to the bed in the back of the jet to sleep so it would make this flight go faster.

taylor's pov:

i had just finished the 1 and started to head down the stairs of the roof i remember tripping and falling and then everything just went black i don't remember anything after that.

i don't know i how i had been out but i awoke in my dressing room surrounded by a lot of people. i couldn't put a name to any of them. why were there all these random people in my dressing room. where's the security around here?! as i gained all my senses back i felt my body shoot with pain. i began screaming and crying i have never felt pain like this in my life. i was scared and confused. people kept asking me all these questions and for the life of me i couldn't remember anything. what happened?

-* time skip to hospital *-

your pov

once we arrive to the hospital we are sent to a private waiting room where i'm sitting with tree and some other people. grandpa went back with mom. i would've gone but im too young to be in the icu as a visitor. i was cuddled up to tree and she was stroking her fingers through my hair in effort to call me down.

"tree?" i asked. my voice hoarse.

"yes?" she asked.

"i'm scared" i said.

"it's gonna be okay y/n. your mom is gonna be just fine" she said

"but what if she's not" i said trying to hold back tears

"hey don't think like that let's think positive" she said. i was yawning when she said that this was so tiring and i just wanted to sleep.

"do you want to go back to the hotel so you can sleep?" tree asked and i nodded in her chest. usually i would protest but this environment was too stressful for me.

-* time skip to the next morning *-

scott's pov:

i'm sitting here in the icu with taylor. i'm worried sick. luckily she remembers me but she can't remember anything else. right now she's asleep and i'm just watching her. the doctor says she has a bad concussion and she bruised her back really badly. luckily nothings broken so that's always good. i was thinking and then i was suddenly pulled out of it when taylor started to groan.

"what's the matter honey?" i asked her. i didn't want her to be moving a whole lot at the time being because of her back

"t-t-trav?" she asked confused.

"you want trav?" i asked her. she nodded as a tear fell from her eye.

"don't cry honey it's okay" i said as i wiped her tears.

"where's trav?" she asked groggily.

"he'll be here in a little" just as i said that the door opened and there stood trav and y/n.

tay was moved out of the icu late last night so y/n was finally able to see her.


part 3 soon

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