mommy are you okay?

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y/n age: 3

tw:/// passing out, throw up

y/n pov:

daddy was at practice so it was just me and mommy at home today. mommy has been sleeping all day but i'm hungry so i go wake her up.

"mommy" i whisper. "mommy wake up!" i say a little louder.

"huh?" she says.

"mommy i'm hungry" i said as i hold my stomach.

"oh i'm sorry baby i'll go make you some food" she said as she started to get out of bed. i reached for her hand and we walked to the kitchen. mommy stumbled a little while we were walking.

"mommy are you okay? you look white and bad" i said.

"yeah baby mommy's okay i'm just a little dizzy" she said. then she fell to the floor.

"mommy you're so funny!" i said while giggling. mommy wasnt giggling.

"mommy?" i go over and look down at her. i put my ear to her chest. i still heard her heart.

i quickly run to my mommy's room and grab her phone off the bed. then i run back downstairs. i call the person mommy always says to call when daddy is at work and something happens. so i facetime her

"aunty twee?"

"hey y/n where's your mommy?" she asks

"on da floor" i say as i flip the camera to show mommy. (i actually just bursted out laughing)

"oh my god" tree said.

"aunty twee you can't say that. it's oh my goshhh" i said as i emphasized the "gosh".

"y/n i need you to listen to me. i don't want to scare you and i'm on my way. can you be a big girl and listen?" she asked as she grabbed her car keys.

"ya i a big girl!" i said.

"yes you are! now how long has your mommy been like that?" she asked.

"ummm i don't know..." i said confused.

"okay um is mommy breathing?" aunty tree asked.

"ummm i tink so?" i said.

"put your finger under her nose do you feel air?" she asked.

"ya i do it tickles!" i said giggly. "wait mommy's waking up!" i said excitedly.

"oh ok that's go-''

"ewwwwww!!!!!" i say making a disgusted face.

"what happened y/n?" tree asked.

"mommy throwed up" i said plugging my nose.

"y/n i'm almost there can you give the phone to your mommy?" tree asked. i gave it to mommy.

"taylor?" she asked.

"t-t-tree is that you?" mommy asked. she sounded weird.

"yes what happened" tree asked.

"i don't know" mommy said. i just stood there i didn't know what was going on. then i heard the door open and i ran over to it.

it wasn't tree it was daddy!

"daddy!!!" i said as i ran over to him.

"hey princess where's your mommy?" he said as he picked me up and kissed my cheek.

"on da floor" i said truthfully.

"what?" daddy said with a giggled.

"she falled and falled asleep. when she waked up she throwed up" i said.

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