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y/n age: 13

tw:// weapons/blood

i stirred in my sleep until i finally let my eyes open. light filled my room and i squinted my eyes to get used to the brightness. i turned over in my bed to see what time it was. 8:35am. i yawned and stretched and made my way downstairs.

in the kitchen was my mom and dad. dad was in his workout clothes so i'm guessing he had practice today. mom was also dressed so i'm guessing she had to go into the studio today.

"good morning y/n how did you sleep?" mom asked as she noticed me and wrapped me in a hug.

"morning. i slept good" i answered. then i moved to give my dad a hug. "where are you guys going?" i asked.

"your dad has practice and i have to go into the studio to record some things. so it'll just be you and the cats today." mom said.

"okay." i said.

"alright guys i have to head out. love you both!" dad said as he kissed mom and i on the forehead.

"baby you gonna be okay here by yourself?" mom said.

"yeah i'll be okay don't worry. plus i have the cats, and the security is outside." i said.

"okay i just worry. i love you ill see you later. i should be home around 5 and your dad should be back around 4:30 or so" she said.

"alright bye mom!" i said.

after mom left i plopped down on the couch to watch tv. i went onto the netflix and decided to watch greys. all the cats were close to me. benji was sleeping next to me, mere was in the chair, and dibbles was sprawled out on the floor.

as i was watching i heard shouting outside. all of the cats' heads perched up and then there were loud bangs that sounded like gunshots followed with screaming and yelling. then the door knob started to jiggle and my heart dropped. i scooped up the cats the best i could and ran upstairs to my room. in my closet i had a little door that was hidden towards the back for situations like this. it's sad that i have to have it but that's just how my life is.

i crawled into the space and locked the door from the inside. meredith kept meowing and she would not stop.

"meredith please shut up!" i whispered yelled. then she finally shut up. i pulled out my phone to call mom.

"hey sweetie what's up." she said happily

"mom there's someone trying to get into the house" i whispered

"y/n where are you in the house? are you hiding? what happened?!" she panicked

"i'm in the hiding spot in my closet. i got the cats too. it all happened so fast" i said as i started to cry.

"hey it's okay don't panic. you're going to be okay. can you tell me what happened? did security not see them?" she asked.

"mom...i-i think they got shot.." i said.

"oh my god. i'm coming home right now stay where you are! don't panic. hang up and call the police then call be back as soon as you can okay?!" mom said.

"okay" i said as cried silently.

"y/n you are such a brave girl. you're okay. call the police. i love you so much" she said before she hung up.

after she hung up i heard glass break downstairs. they must've broken the window. i quickly dialed 9-1-1 with my shaky hands.

"911 what's emergency?" an operator said.

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