hurt at the game

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y/n age: 4

taylors pov

today trav had a game against the chargers and we were at sofi stadium. i still remember when i announced 1989 my version her and filmed the eras tour movie. this city is so electric.

i was sitting next to brittany and y/n was in my lap. but y/n started whining.

"what's the matter y/n?" i asked her.

"i'm bored daddy's games are soooooo boring" she said dragging out the 'so'. "can i go play with sterling?" she asked. (brittany and patrick's daughter).

"i guess but please don't run i don't want you getting hurt okay?" i said.

"ok mommy!" she said with a smile and she scooted off my lap. her and sterling ran off giggling.

"y/n? what did i just say? no running, please" i said

"sorry mommy" she said.

it was about 10 minutes later and then i was startled when all of a sudden i heard a piercing scream followed by loud cries. i recognized those cries. they were y/ns.

"oh my god no fucking way" i said as i laughed a little. brittany laughed as well. i got up from my seat and followed the cries to be met with y/n and sterling.

"what happened baby?" i said lifting her off the ground and holding her.

"i-i-i falled" she said. i giggled a little because of her use of grammar. "mommy it's not funny!" she yelled.

"i know it's not i'm sorry baby. can you show me what hurts?" i asked. she pointed to her knee.
"how did you fall baby?" i asked. i obviously knew the answer. she was running.

"i-i don't know" she said hiccuping.

"were you running??" i asked her. she looked down and nodded her head slowly. "do you understand now why we don't run." i asked and she nodded her head. i carried her back to the seat i was sitting in before and comforted her because she was still crying a little. i think she's just gonna have a bad bruise but glad nothing is broken. she ended up falling asleep and we enjoyed the rest of the game.

sorry for the short chapter im working on a longer one rn i just wanted to give u guys something to read lol

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