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pretend y/n is joe's in this story
y/n age: 15

y/n's pov

"y/n wake up" mom said. i stirred out of my sleep and woke from my slumber.

"mom i'm tiredddd" i said.

"i know baby but you've been napping since 2 o'clock it's almost 4:30 now and we need to get ready" she said

"ugh fine" i said

"your dress is hanging in your bathroom meet downstairs when your ready so we can start your hair and make up." she said as she left my room

"okay" i said as i got out my bed. i walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth. then i took a quick shower and put my dress on. my dress was a pretty cream color with a slit. it's honestly one of my favorites i've worn.

y/ns dress:

i was wearing this dress because when my mom wins her 13th grammy she plans on announcing her new album

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i was wearing this dress because when my mom wins her 13th grammy she plans on announcing her new album. so my dress is a hint of the color scheme for the album.

i make my way downstairs and i'm met with my mom getting her hair and make up done. tree is on the phone with someone. i make my way over to where im supposed to sit.

"y/n you look beautiful" mom said

"thanks mom" i said with a smile. after about and hour or so my hair and make up was done.

we then all huddled in the car and made our way to the venue. when we got there it was so crowded. i'm not someone who likes crowds so this is going to be interesting. i felt myself tense up and i guess my mom noticed too.

"you okay baby?" she asked. i just nodded in smiled.

once we got out the car we met up with lana and we walked the carpet. i posed in some pictures with lana and my mom then we headed into the room where the ceremony was.

once we sat down i was very anxious i didn't even realize that my leg was shaking until my mom placed her hand on my leg. i looked up at her.

"are you sure you're okay?" she asked

"y-yeah there's just a lot of people there" i said as i laughed a little.

"do you need to take a second?" she asked

"no i'm okay it's fine" i said with a subtle smile.

sometime passed by and before i knew it they were revealing who won pop vocal album.

"and the grammy goes too... taylor swift!"

i got up and hugged my mom and she made her way to the stage to collect her award and announce her new album.

as she was talking i looked around the room my eyes soon fell on someone i knew all to well... dad?

i felt myself struggling to breathe a little. what the hell was he doing here?? i just got up from the table and walked quickly out the room without saying anything. no one noticed because everyone was paying attention to what my mom was saying. the only person who noticed was tree because she wasn't at the table she was sitting someone different and i caught her eye.

once i exited the room i ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. i began to hyperventilate. i got flashbacks of what my dad did to my mom. whenever he would get mad he would get physical and i remember just having to stand there and watch it.

"y/n??" i head a familiar voice say, tree. "y/n are you in here sweetie?" she asked. i let out a choked sob and that answered her question. "open the door please" she said. i've know tree pretty much my whole life. she's my god mother and would always take care of me whenever my mom was in rehearsals or at the studio. so i have a lot of trust in her. i got up from the floor of the stall and unlocked the door.

"aww what happened?!" tree asked embracing me in a tight hug. i tried to talk but it just made me gasp for air. "breathe y/n, breathe. you're okay" she said as she rubbed my back.

taylors pov

after i announced my brand new album i made my way backstage so i could post the cover. after i did that u made my way back to the table and i immediately recognized that y/n wasn't there.

"jack, where's y/n?" i asked

"uhhh i don't know" he as he looked around.

"seriously jack?! you didn't see her leave??" i asked panicked.

"no i didn't. maybe she went to the bathroom?" he said.

"i'll be back" i said as i got up from the table. i quickly exited the room and made my way to the bathroom. i opened the door and was met with y/n crying in tree's arms. my heart immediately sank.

"mommy?" y/n asked with tear stains on her face. she only called me that when she was sad, overwhelmed, or sick so i knew something was up.

"what happened baby?" i asked as i rushed over to her.

"i'll give you guys some space" tree said as she exited the bathroom.

"i-i saw dad. and i just... i don't know" she said as she put her head in her hands.

"hey it's okay baby i'm here." i said

we sat in the bathroom a little while longer until she calmed down. then i helped her fix her makeup and we made our way back into the show and had a great night

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