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OMG WE GOT TAYISCHELLA AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. most of you recommended it to be one long story so here you go! this one is pretty long lol. 2.5k words💀

y/n age: 14

this week i have my 8th grade graduation and im excited. i'm also kind of sad though too. i'm going to highschool next year so that's gonna be a little scary but i think ill be fine. right now it's lunch at school and my friends and i are talking about what we're doing this summer.

"so what are you guys doing this summer?" my friend lyla asked.

"well my moms touring this summer and my dad has training camp..." i said.

"wait so you're not gonna be here?!" my friend sarah said.

"i don't know. i hope i'm not gone all summer. i can ask my mom if you guys could come to some shows this summer if you want?" i said.

"UM YES" my friend emily said.

"so are you guys excited for 8th grade graduation" emily asked.

"um kinda i'm happy that it's gonna be summer but i'm also sad because we're leaving" i said.

"yeah true"

we talked about summer and plans we had for the rest of lunch and then we went to our last period of the day which was math for me. i was doing work when my teacher called my name.

"y/n can you come here i need to speak with you in the hallway" my teacher said. i got up and everyone started to 'oooo' at me.

"is everything okay? did i do something?" i asked panicked.

"no! of course not! i was just letting you know that you're going to be getting a special certificate at the ceremony for your grades! you finished with the highest gpa out of the whole grade!" my teacher said

"wow! thank you so much!" i said.

i went back in the class and finished my work and then it was the end of the day.

i grabbed my stuff and headed to the front. my mom was picking me up today so we could go to the mall for a dress for me for the ceremony. as i'm walking out there's no sign of my mom but i do see greg one of our bodyguards.

"hey greg! um where's my mom?" i asked.

"oh she went out with your dad somewhere" he said

"oh..." i said.

"is everything okay?" he asked.

"yeah it's just my mom was supposed to take me to get my dress today..." i said.

"oh i'm sorry. um i can take you? we can pick someone up to help you pick?" he said.

"yeah i wanna do that! thanks greg" i said as i gave him a hug. greg has basically helped raised me when my parents were too busy with stuff so i really look up to him.

"actually how about you just take me.." i said.

"you sure? i don't have that good of taste is dresses" he said with a chuckle.

"yeah i'm sure!" i said. then we got in the car and headed to the boutique.

i ended getting a casual whiteish creamish dress that was really pretty.

"thank you for taking me greg" i said as we pulled into the driveway.

"of course y/n see you later!" he said as he waved.

"bye greg!" i said as i waved back.

i put my backpack on and grabbed my bag with my dress and headed to the front door. i used my key to open the door because i suspected my parents to jot behind home but they were.

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