the blame is on me

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guys i'm still not recovered from the surprise songs in lisbon.

y/n age: 14

in this one y/n has two younger siblings. ben; 8. harper; 5

i think it's a little unfair how my parents basically put me in charge of my younger siblings. i love them very much but i don't want to be their care taker 24/7. i can't even have a few minutes to myself before my parents ask me to do something else. it's also unfair how my younger siblings get to be homeschooled and don't have to worry about state testing or finals but i do.

it's sunday around 4pm and i have yet to have a solid session of studying for my tests this week. i finally was able to sneak away for a little to do some but that only lasted for like 10 minutes.

"y/n can you come down here!" i heard mom yell.

"oh my fucking god no way" i muttered. i got up from my desk and walked downstairs.

"yes?" i asked.

"i need you to pick up the living room please. there's toys everywhere." my mom said while cutting things for dinner.

"what? why me? they're not even my toys!" i said.

"y/n i asked you to do it. so please." she said.

"but mom i'm really trying to study. can you just ask ben or harper to do it? or even dad?" i asked.

"y/n just do it! plus they aren't even here right now!" she yelled.

"bro what? where are they?" i asked.

"they went to the park or something. but you need to clean up the living room!" mom said.

"oh my god this is so unfair!!" i groaned.

"y/n you know what's unfair? you arguing with me when i ask you to do things." she countered. i rolled my eyes and went to the living room to clean it up. after i finished i went back up to my room to do more studying. this went on for about 5 minutes until i was interrupted again by a knock on the door.

"oh my god what?" i answered.

"mommy said that you need to come down for dinner." harper said.

"well can you tell her that i'm trying to study and ill eat later." i said stressed out. harper turned and went to go walk downstairs. then i heard my mom yell.


i was so stressed out to the point where one more inconvenient thing would make me cry. i sluggishly walked downstairs and went to the table.

"finally you decided to grace us with your presence" dad said with a chuckle. i let out a sigh and sat down. at this point i didn't even have an appetite. i was just taking small bites and moving it around the plate.

"y/n stop playing around with your food and just eat it. your mother didn't spend a lot of time making it just for you too play with it" dad said. i looked up and met his eyes. i took a deep breath and answered.

"sorry. i'm just not that hungry" i said as i muttered that last part.

"y/n you gotta stop with the mumbling. you're 14" mom said. i nodded and just looked down at my lap.

everyone else was having a conversation and i was just sitting there. it just got to the point where i couldn't handle it so i just stood up.

"where are you going?" dad asked.

"to finish studying..." i said.

"y/n you can do that later. plus you didn't even eat half of your food sit back down" mom said. i sighed and sat down. tears started to brim my eyes but i quickly blinked them away. as i sat there i didn't touch my food. at this point everyone was done and it was just me and mom at the table because dad went to give harper and ben a bath then to bed.

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