broken promises

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y/n age: 13


i walked downstairs and saw my mom on her computer doing work.

"hey mom?" i asked

"what y/n?" she asked slightly annoyed

"actually nevermind" i said and turned on my heel and walked back to my room.

i was gonna ask my mom and see if she wanted to spend a day together since we haven't got to hang out a lot recently. right now dad is on a golf trip with patrick so it's just me, mom, and the cats home right now.

when i walked in my room i flopped on my bed and cuddled with benji. i decided to go on my phone and look at my socials on my secret undercover swiftie count to see what my moms fans were talking about. then i heard a rhythm of a knock on my door and i knew it was my mom because she always knocks like that.

"come in mom" i said.

"hey baby i'm sorry for snapping at you. i've just been stressed with work." she said as she sat on the edge of my bed.

"it's fine. i understand." i said as i sat up and fidgeted with my fingers.

"what did you want to ask me?" mom asked

"oh i was just gonna ask if we could spend the day together tomorrow but if youre busy with work..." i said

"no. we're gonna hang out tomorrow. i can push my work aside. besides it's just for one day." my mom said

i gave her a subtle smile

"so what were you thinking we could do?" she asked

"well since dad is on his trip with patrick i was wondering if we could go down to new york for a couple days? and maybe shop a little. i know the paparazzi is bad down there. i just feel like we haven't been there forever and i miss it." i said

"that sounds like a great idea. i don't have to go to the studio at all this week so we could definitely do that." she said

"yay!" i said as i gave her a hug. "thanks mom."

"of course baby. after i finish my work i'll make arrangements with the jet." she said

"okay!" i said. then she left my room and made her way back downstairs. i began packing a suitcase and put cute outfits together and packed them. after i finished that i walked downstairs to get water and saw my mom passed out on the couch.

i guess her work is really making her tired. i walked over and put a blanket on top of her and moved her laptop to the coffee table. then i made my way back upstairs and got ready for bed.

the next morning when i woke up i looked over at the clock and it read 8:46. it was oddly quiet in the house. i got up out of my bed and started to look and see if my mom was home.


"mom? are you here?"


then once i reached the kitchen i saw a sticky note left on the fridge.

hey y/n i had to go into the studio today. i probably won't be back until late tonight. there's cash on the counter if you want to order pizza or something. also make sure to feed the cats please.

-mom <3

i stared blankly at the note. did she forget? we were supposed to hang out today. i ripped up the note and ran back to my room. i stayed there all day.

when my mom got home it was around 10pm

"hey y/n i didn't think you'd still be up." mom said

i rolled my eyes and turned my gaze back to the show i was watching.

"woah what was that for?" she asked

"really mom?" i asked crossing my arms

"what?!" she asked all offended

"did you really forget?" i asked tears started to form in my eyes

"forget what- oh shit y/n i'm so sorry baby." she said as she reached for me

i quickly got up.

"it doesn't matter anymore mom. the days already over anyway." i said. i locked myself in my room for the rest of the night.

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