a/n (important)

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heyyy guyssss i know i said i would try an update as much as i could this week but idk how well imma be able to do that because something happened to me and im like very shaken up by it...anyway i feel like it'll make me feel better if i write abt it because it will get it off my chest

so me and my sister wanted to go to walmart to get stuff to bake this week for the fourth of july. mind you its like 9pm. btw this happened today. so at first my sister was talking to my parents and she was like i don't wanna go today ill just go in the morning. but my parents were like no go today the weather is supposed to be bad tomorrow. so then my sister was like fine but then something was telling her to get me to come with her so i went with her.

so we pull into the walmart parking spot and there's this group of people standing outside their car infront of us. my sister parked a little crooked so she had to straighten out. but there was this particular guy who was just like staring at us through the windshield and i was like what's up with this dude? anyway she straightened out but apparently she didn't pull up far enough so he like directed us to move forward.

i was just like this guy is weird i'm getting weird vibes from this guy. but my sister was just like 'it's just black people helping black people' (yes i'm black). so anyway i'm like no he's fucking weird. so we hurry and get out of the car and go into the store and as we're getting a cart i just so happen to look out the doors and this motherfucker is waving us down. and i was like shit i think this guy is waving at us. so we walked through the other set of doors to get into the actual store and i look behind us and he's running into the store after us. so we started walking to the aisle we need to go to and he's like trailing behind us. i told my sister like this guy is following us. so we get to the aisle and there's some other people there too.

he was like did i scare you guys? and we were like what? he was like did i scare you? you guys pulled in and i was tryna talk to you guys but you guys just ran into the store. and i was just no it's not like that. and then he was like yeah i just moved here from jamaica and i'm tryna find some friend. bitch im a fucking minor and you're a grown ass man. so then he was like do you know where i can find friends. and we like i don't know maybe downtown? and he's like oh okay THEN he was like well where do you guys live. you really think imma tell you that? hell fucking no. and what pissed me off was the fact that my sister and i are minors and the other people in the aisle were adults and just watched it happen like they didn't say anything.

so like we were tryna walk away but he was like blocking us from moving and kept tryna talk to us. eventually he left us alone but like it was scary. like i thought i was about to get like kidnapped by this guy and thank god my sister didn't go alone. but i really wanna thank god because he was definitely looking after us in that moment because like if those other people weren't in the aisle with us something most likely would've happened to me and my sister. so thank you god.

but i really hate being a girl in america. a 14 year old girl shouldn't have to be harassed by a grown man. like no. anyway i feel a little better about it now that i like wrote it down. but i'm still a little shaken up. and if you read all of this props to you because i didn't think anyone would read the whole thing lol.

also requests are always welcome. but i don't think imma do a part 4 for so now you care so please don't ask for it lol

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