she finds out youre not eating

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"y/n! dinner" mom said

shit i thought to myself. i haven't eaten in about 2 days. it's only because girls at my school always say something about my body. they say i'm too fat to be popular. not that i would want to be popular it's just what they say. when i'm at school im put under a fake name so people don't know who my parents are. the media doesn't even know my mom and dad, taylor and travis, have a kid. maybe if they knew who my parents were they wouldn't be so mean.

i hear my dad start to walk up the stairs so i quickly get under my covers and pretend to sleep. the door opens and i hear my dad walk in and then walk out again.

"she's asleep tay" he calls out

"oh ok just let her sleep then" my mom said

mission accomplished.

from there i didn't realize how tired i actually was. i've been tired a lot lately and my body has been weak but that's probably because i haven't eaten anything.

when i wake up in the morning i carry my fragile body to the bathroom and start getting ready for school. then i head downstairs.

"hey y/n. how'd you sleep?" mom asks

"i slept okay." i said honestly.

"do you want anything to eat. you didn't have dinner last night." she said

"no i'm okay" i said and then my stomach grumbled. fuck.

"y/n are you lying to me?" she asks with a raised eyebrow.

"no. why would i be lying?" i said

"ok.. then here eat this granola bar." she said handing it to me

i grabbed it and flipped it over to see the calorie count. it was scribbled out. shit did she know?

i love up at her and gave an awkward smile and she returned me with a look of come on eat the food. my shaky hands bring the bar to my mouth. i immediately feel the urge to throw up so i excuse myself.

"okay you ready to go now?" she asks

"yeah i'm just gonna use the bathroom real quick i have to pee." i said

"okay" she said.

i immediately ran to the bathroom in my room and forced myself to throw up the bar. what i didn't know was that my mom followed me into my room. as i was throwing up i felt hands in my back which made me jump. we i looked back i saw my mom. she was rubbing my back and holding back my hair. after a little while i finished and felt a huge wave of guilt travel over me.

"you wanna tell me what's going on y/n?" she said

"nope! come one we're gonna be late." i said as i got up. my mom pushed me back down

"nope you're not going to school today." she said. then she grabbed my arm and took me into her room. we got on her bed and she flipped on the tv. she went to netflix and pulled up her documentary, miss americana.

"wait. i thought i wasn't allowed to watch this." i asked confused.

"it's fine y/n" she said quietly

"but mo-''

"JUST WATCH IT DAMNIT" she said. "sorry" she said quickly after

i was the. quiet as i didn't wanna make her more mad. then it got to a part that really took me for surprise. it started talking about an eating disorder. more specifically, my moms...

i immediately started to cry. i didn't know my mom went through this. is this why she didn't want me to watch it? is this why she found out i wasn't eating so quickly?

"y/n... i know you think i don't know but i do..." she said as she wrapped me in a hug as i sobbed in her chest

"why aren't you eating honey?" she asked

"i-i'm sorry mom" i said through a loud sob.

"hey it's okay baby. i just want to keep you safe. i don't want you to go through what i did." she said as she rubbed my back.

"it's these girls at school. they always say i'm too fat and that i'm never gonna be pretty. and i guess it just got to me. i'm sorry" i said

"baby you don't have to keep saying sorry. but don't listen to the bitch ass girls. they know nothing about you. you are the most talented, beautiful, amazing girl ever. please don't forget that. their opinion means nothing. they're just jealous." she says.

"thanks mom but why would they be jealous of me i'm a fat hog and most definitely not pretty at all." i said through sobs.

i could feel my moms heart shatter when she heard those words leave my lips. she hugged me tighter.

"baby please don't say that. you know me and your father, in fact your whole family, love you very much and that's all that matters." she said

my breathing starting to become faster and i started to panic.

"m-mom i-i ca-can't breathe" i said through sobs and hyperventilating.

"yes you can baby." she said comfortingly

"it's not working mom" i said panicked.

"breathe baby breathe. you're ok" she said. "follow my breathing and listen to my voice"

all j could mange to get out was a small nod but she took that as enough. a little while later my breathing went back to normal and i was curled up in my moms arms. my crying was now mostly just sniffles. then my dad came home from practice.

"what's wrong girly?" he asked worried

"she's just had a long day" mom said after she kissed mg forehead." she said

i was glad mom didn't tell dad what happened because i probably would've had another panic attack. i love my mom

daughter of taylor swift and travis kelce imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now