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at this point i think taylor should just add yoyok to the setlist bc she has played it SEVEN times now. SEVEN. ALSOOO NEW SABRINA ALBUM AHHH AUGUST 23RDDDD

y/n age: 16

tw:// mentions of drugs/smoking/smut/mature

i was laying on my bed watching netflix on my laptop when i got a text from my friend.

rylie: y/n wanna come overr??

suree i'll ask my mom


what r we gonna do

umm idkk we'll figure that out laterrr


i got up off my bed and ran downstairs to find my mom.

"hey mom?" i called out.

"yeah? i'm in the music room" she said. so i walked into the music room and she was sitting on the floor with her guitar with a journal.

"hey mom what are you writing?" i ask.

"just playing around" she said.

"ohh okay. well i really love you're music!" i said.

"what do you want y/n" she said with a giggle.

"can i hang out with rylie pleaseee? i'd go over to her house" i said.

"i don't know y/n. i don't really like rylie. i don't think she's a good influence for you..." mom said.

"what do you mean? please mom! i'm so bored. there's nothing to dooo" i said as i plopped down on the couch in the room.

"there's plenty to do. like clean your room?" mom said.

"if i clean my room will you let me go over to rylie's??" i said with a smile while batting my eyelashes. mom looked at me like she was contemplating it.

"fine! but your room better be spotless before you leave." mom said.

"yay thank you mom!! i'm gonna start cleaning now" i said as i jumped up from the couch. i ran back upstairs to my room and heard notifications from my phone.

rylie: so what did your mom say?

i can go i just have to clean my room first

oh okay. tell me when to come pick you up.

i liked her message then got cleaning on my room. it only took me about an hour to clean my room. after i finished i texted rylie then started to get ready.

"mom rylie's gonna be here in a few" i said as i walked back into her music room.

"okay baby. you be careful." she said.

"i will don't worry. what's my curfew?" i asked.

"well since it's summer be back by 1 am at the latest" she said.

"1?? what about 2?" i said.

"y/n i'm being nice letting you stay out until 1am be grateful" she said with a giggle.

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