left out

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y/n age: 13

it was the final 13 seconds of the overtime and the chiefs needed to score a touchdown to win the super bowl. this was a literal nail biter.

i was sitting in the back of the suite with grandma and grandpa (taylor's parents). i honestly hated being in the spotlight. i'm very socially awkward which is ironic because both of my parents are extremely outgoing. i'm one who hates crowds, loud noises, and all that stuff. so being in this stadium was not my cup of tea, but i wanted to support my dad.

i watched the screen and patrick threw the ball and it was caught. THE CHIEFS WON THE SUPER BOWl! everyone in the suite was cheering and going crazy. i wanted to leave so bad. i looked around the suite in a panic. then i felt an arm snake around me and grandma walked me out of the suite.

"i'm sorry grandma..." i said

"why are you sorry honey?" she asked

"i don't know i feel like i'm being a burden and i don't know i just feel like you should be in there celebrating.." i said

"honey it's okay. you're more important to me than any of this." she said and gave me a big hug.
we were then interrupted by my mom coming out of the suite.

"y/n i was looking for you!" she said all cheery

"oh.. i'm sorry" i said

"cone on we're gonna go down to the field to see your dad" mom said. i really didn't want to. it would be so crowded. what if i got lost?

"oh um okay" i said

"unless you don't want to? i'm not gonna force you to if you don't want to" mom said

"no i wanna go down." i said

"you sure?" she asked. i nodded my head. "ok let's go then" she said as she grabbed my hand.

as soon as we made it down to the field man was it crowded. i started to regret my decision a little. i kept a firm grip on my moms hand. we made our way through the crowd and we eventually met up with my dad.

"come here girl" he said as he wrapped mom in a huge hug. i stood there smiling at them. all of a sudden i got pushed out the way by this camera man. i kept getting pushed back out of the crowd until i was all the way at the back of the crowd and i had lost my parents. great.

i started to look around for any familiar faces but i didn't see any. i honestly felt extremely left out. did they even realize that i had got separated from them. i just stood away from the crowd trying not to cry. this was so stressful and i hated it.

i eventually just decided to go back up to the suite i was so done with this shit. they obviously didn't realize because i feel like they didn't even make an effort to at least try to find me. when i got up to the suite there was no one in there. where the fuck did these people go? i went to go sit down in the front row so maybe if the camera panned over to the suite i was in maybe my parents would finally realize 'oh wait! y/n's not with us'

i was sitting there when all of a sudden there was a tap on my shoulder. i looked over and it was one of my moms security guards.

"you're not supposed to be up here" he said

"i know im not but my parents don't care they don't even know that im up here because they don't care" i said

"well i have to keep you and your family safe so its my duty to take you back down to the field" he said

"ok whatever i just... crowds really stress me out so could i stay with like my grandparents?" i asked

"yeah i can do that" he said

"ok thanks".

then he walks me down to where my grandparents and the rest of the people who were in the suite are. i immediately give my grandma a hug and she can sense something's wrong.

"what's wrong y/n" she asked a she kissed my head.

"i'm just stressed... i just want to leave" i said

"im sorry baby. weren't you supposed to be on the field?" she asked

"i was but then i was pushed away from mom and dad by this camera guy. i stood on the outside of the crowd but no one was coming to find me so i went back up to the suite then i was brought here." i said. i'm really trying to not cry but im getting so stressed.

"do you need to take a second?" grandma asked. i nodded my head and she lead me to the bathroom. she let me cry and comforted me. i hate feeling left out.

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