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i have fucking ptsd from writing this because everytime i was writing fucking wattpad being wattpad would sync and it kept kicking me off the web. so i think this now the 10th time im writing this. it also won't let me add the outfit picture directly into the story so it has to be the header photo. sorry!

omg tayvis has been tayvising lately. we got 2 insta posts with trav. her post for london and her talking about trav's performance was so cute. tayvis is couple of the year. THEY ARE SO ENDGAME! also trav talking about tay in that podcast!!!!!

today trav was taking me on an outing because mom was gonna be in the studio all day. out of all of my mom's boyfriends travis is by far one of my favorites. he seems like he really does love my mom for who she is. he isn't just with her for the fame and i'm really glad my mom found someone who just loves her for her. as i was getting ready there was a knock on my door.

"come in!" i called out.

"hey baby! i was just letting you know that i'm about to head out" mom said.

"alright mom. have fun at the studio! tell jack i said hi!" i said.

"alright baby! be good for trav" she said as she walked out my room. i then finished getting ready and put on a pretty simple outfit (as shown in the header) to wear. it's been really hot here in new york so i made sure i'd be comfortable. then i made my way downstairs.

"hey trav" i said.

"hey y/n. you ready to go?" he asked standing up from the couch.

"yeah i am. where are we going?" i asked.

"it's a surprise" he said with a smile.

"come on trav! you know i hate surprises! i'm too impatient for that" i said groaning.

"i know but you're just gonna have to wait" he said laughing at me.

"ugh. well let's go i wanna see the surprises" i said. so we went outside to the car and trav opened the door for me and we were off. i knew new york like the back of my hand so i knew where we were going.

"are we going to nobu?!" i asked excitedly.

"i don't are we?" he said.

"yes!!! you are the best!" i said.

"i didn't even confirm it!" he said laughing

"i know but i just know!" i said. and sure enough a few minutes later we pulled up to nobu. of course ever since we left the apartment there were paps.

"oh my god don't they have something better to do?!" i said groaning. i hated paps they made me so overwhelmed.

"do you need a second before we get out?" he asked. that's another thing i love about travis he's so caring. joe could never.

"i think im okay" i said. he nodded and we got out the car. travis had a reservation so we were led to our table immediately.

"this is really nice! thank you for taking me here travis!" i said.

"it's no problem! i'm glad you like the first surprise" he said smiling.

"first? how many are there?" i said giggling and just shrugged.

"you are not funny at all. i don't like you" i said laughing. we ordered our food and enjoyed it very much. then he took me to the mall so i could buy some things which i was very grateful for because i love to shop. then he took me to this ice cream shop i'd never been to.

"oooh i've never been here before! it's looks cute!" i said. it was outdoor and it had a pond and  everything by the tables so it was visually pleasing. the sun was setting so that just made it even better. we ordered our ice cream then went to sit down.

"so y/n..." trav started.

"yeah?" i asked.

"there's something i've been wanting to ask you..." he said.

"yeah? what's up?" i asked.

"well it's more of your approval on something" he said. i nodded.

"i was wondering if i could have your blessing on marrying your mom?" he asked. i almost choked on my ice cream.

"wait really?!" i said excitedly. he nodded. i started crying tears of joy.

"aww y/n why are you crying?" he said giving me a hug.

"i'm just really happy...thank you so much travis!" i said wiping my tears. "you 1000% have my blessing! thank you for loving my mom for who she is" i said.

"y/n i hope you know i love your mom very much" he said. i nodded and smiled.

"do you wanna see the ring? it's still in the shop but i have a reference picture of it" he said.

"um yes?! i wanna see it!" i said excitedly. he showed me the picture and it was the most beautiful ring i'd ever seen.

"oh my god's so pretty i love it. mom is gonna love it too" i said.

"i'm glad you like it!" he said.

"ugh i don't think you know how happy i am!" i said hugging him again.

"oh! there's also one more thing i wanted to ask you..." he said.

"okay!" i said.

"so i know your dad isn't really in the picture anymore and you don't have a father figure. so i was wondering if i could step in for them and adopt you as my own?" he asked.

"are you serious?!" i said excitedly. he nodded.

"oh my god trav yes! yes! you can! oh my god don't make me cry again" i said trying not to cry and he chuckled.

"travis this really is amazing thank you so much!" i said.

"of course! we should probably get going now. you're mom will be home in a little and it's getting late" he said. i nodded and we left.

when we walked into the house mom was sitting on the couch watching grey's like usual.

"what are you two so giddy about?" mom asked.

"oh nothing!" i said giggling as i ran up to my room. i can't believe my mom would finally be getting married. i'm sure she's gonna say yes. she's lives travis so much.

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