Chapter 22

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As Sam was leaving the police department, she ran into Batman and Robin.

"Sam!" Robin called. 

She turned around and noticed her friends.

"Batman and Robin! Hi. Are you heading to Jill's?" said Sam.

"Yes, my dear; which floor does she live on?" said Batman.

"Fifth, thirteenth door on the left" said Sam.

"Thank you, Sam" said Batman.

"But, Robin... it's Christmastime. I expect you have something big for me" said Sam.

"Indeed; I expect you might have future plans for this girl, old chum" said Batman.

"I'm not sure what to give her, Batman. She's never had a long romance whether she was married or not" said Robin.

"Well, that's true. What do you plan to do, Robin?" said Sam.

Robin sang to answer.

I'm not much at reading the future

I have another trouble reading the past

My dear, I've no idea how long our... 

How long our love affair will last

So instead of proposing years of wedding bliss

For the present, what I'd like to propose

Is simply this

Let's take it one night at a time

See how it goes

Simply this

Let's take it one night at a time

See how it goes

Simply this, simply this

Simply this, simply this

Heaven only knows it may work out fine

Let's not plan our anniversary yet

Planning for the future is all very well

But the longest journey starts with one stay

So instead of proposing years of wedding bliss

For the present, what I'd like to propose

Is simply this

Let's take it one night at a time

See how it goes

Simply this

Let's take it one night at a time

See how it goes

Simply this, simply this

Simply this, simply this

"Gee, Robin, I guess that's right" said Sam.

"Very good. You're agreed. Now let's see if Jill agrees with our evidence" said Batman.

"Wish us luck" said Robin.

"Good luck" said Sam.

She gave her Boy Wonder a peck on the cheek before letting him go. 

Meanwhile, Charles Wallace was just getting ready to go, when he ran into Chad in the hallway of the apartment building.

"Chad!" said Charles Wallace.

"Charles. Hullo. Where are you off to?" said Chad.

"Mrs Disney's. And then I'm helping Andy pick up Jeremy's present" said Charles Wallace.

"Smashing. But before you rush off... I must tell you this" said Chad.


"On my way home last night, I found this little black lab."

"And you took her in."


"I knew you still liked dogs."

"But it's not that. Andy said there's a new law that an unlicensed dog gets impounded. Would you Warriors be of help in protecting her?" said Chad.

"Well, if you don't want her to go to the pound, just give her a license" said Charles Wallace.

"That's not easy. Meg and I are busy people and licenses are expensive" said Chad.

"Yeah, well... I should know how hard it is. It took me months to buy a collar for Tramp" said Charles Wallace.

"Please, Charles" Chad pleaded.

"Okay. I'll tell the guys while at Disney's. We'll do what we can" said Charles Wallace. 

"Oh, god bless you, little lad" said Chad.

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