Chapter 29

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The next morning, Lillian woke up once again without Walt by her side.

She looked at the empty side of the bed next to her and sighed heavily.

She rose up and sang to herself about how she wasn't used to this yet.

Good morning, no one. Hope you slept okay

Good morning, no one. Welcome to today

Good morning, no one. Hope you dreamt of me

We were sailing in a fairytale trough a perfect sea

And the clouds were cotton, and the sails were full

And the wind was from the south and dreams


Good morning, no one. Hope you slept okay

Good morning, no one. Welcome to today

Good morning, no one. Hope you dreamt of me

We were standing on a balcony looking out to sea

There was jasmine in the garden and the moon was nearly full

And the wind was from the south, and dreams


Now that it's day, you better put your dreams away

Keep them tight, you never know when you might

Need them again, remember where you put them

You'll need them again tonight

You'll need them again tonight

Good morning, no one. Hope you slept okay

Good morning, no one. Welcome to today

Good morning, no one. Hope you dreamt of me

We were sailing in a fairytale trough a perfect sea

And the clouds were cotton, and the sails were full

And the wind was from the south and dreams


Now that it's day, you better put your dreams away

Keep them tight, you never know when you might

Need them again, remember where you put them

You'll need them again tonight

You'll need them again tonight

Soon after she woke, Lillian received a knock on her door.

She freshened up enough to receive guests, then answered the door to find Sam and Robin there.

"Mrs Disney" said Sam.

"Sergeant Pan. And... who is this?" said Lillian.

"My boyfriend" said Sam.

Lillian looked at Robin primly. 

"I'm Robin, ma'am. Batman's loyal accomplice" said Robin.

"How dare you come here in those ridiculous clothes" said Lillian.

"Don't be put off by them, ma'am. Under this garb, I'm a perfectly ordinary human" Robin assured her. 

"Yes ma'am; he wears it so he can fight crime" said Sam.

"Is that so. Then... I feel safer already" said Lillian.

"I'm glad you approve, Mrs Disney" said Robin. 

"So what brings you here, good crimefighter?" said Lillian. 

"I'm curious about Actorville's Christmas party. The sergeant and I have written a Christmas carol that we'd be delighted to sing at it" Robin explained.

"I appreciate the enthusiasm... but I couldn't stand a chance. Actorville has lost its spirit without Walt" said Lillian.

"Yes ma'am. But our friends are out there trying to restore it. Your party will be back on in no time" said Robin. 

"And aren't the memories of what Walt did for you raising your spirits?" said Sam.

Lillian's face softened. "Well... I admit, they are."

"So you believe the party can still go on. Didn't Walt always find a way to make things happen?" said Sam.

"Even when it was impossible?" added Robin.

"Of course. He even managed to let his animators be a band" said Lillian.

"What? Walt didn't tell me his animators were a band" said Sam.

"What were they?" said Robin.

"They are the Firehouse Five Plus Two, of course" said Lillian.

"Those are Walt's animators?!" Robin snapped excitedly.

"Well, yes. They even created their own versions of Christmas carols" said Lillian.

"That's perfect! Are they in the studio? They'll be great for our Christmas carol!" said Sam.

"They are. They're in the animation department. Try not to surprise them" said Lillian.

And off Sam and Robin went. 

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