Chapter 23

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In his apartment, Paul sat next to Jill on her bed as she held her belly. 

"So... what shall we name this child? I'm sort of expecting a girl; its how usual pregnancies end in this town" said Paul.

Jill laughed. "If it's girl... we could name her after your first girlfriend."

"Misty? No. She always thought it was a sad name" said Paul.

"Did she have a middle name?" said Jill.


"Hmm.... let's keep thinking."

Paul sighed. "It sucks that she's not here."

"I know" said Jill.

"It's even worse that my mother isn't here. She would have been the best grandma" said Paul.


"Yes. She always had candy in her pocket. I was ten years old when I figured out candy wasn't naturally warm" said Paul.

Jill laughed as the doorbell rang and Paul got it. 

Batman and Robin were standing outside the door.

"Good afternoon, Paul; we're here to see your wife" said Batman.

"Certainly, Batman. She's officially always up for visitors" said Paul with a giggle.

He went back to the bedroom. "Jill, Batman and Robin are here to see you."

"Batman and Robin? We haven't done anything amiss, have we?" said Jill.

"I hope not" said Paul.

The Dynamic Duo came in to see Jill.

"Batman. What a pleasant surprise" said Jill.

"Greetings, Jill" said Batman.

"The first thing I should ask is how you're feeling. You're on bedrest" said Robin.

Jill smiled. "I'm feeling... pregnant. Very pregnant. But I'm not in pain, I can say."

"But how far away are you from labor?" said Robin.

"That, I can't say. You never really know. But the estimated date is three weeks away" said Jill.

"But your pregnancy wasn't so difficult, huh?" said Robin.

Jill held the Boy Wonder's hand. "Robin. I'm not under a life-threatening drug like you were. This pregnancy was completely ordinary."

"But we're here for something that isn't ordinary. Sam told us about a friend of yours who threatened her husband's life" said Batman to Jill.

"She's right. I'm worried about her" said Jill.

"Who is she? Do you have any idea why she was so mad?" said Robin.

"Well... her name's Gertrude Goldstein. She used to work with me before I started in Actorville" said Jill.

"Sam said her husband wanted to wait to have children. Do you think that had something to do with it?" said Robin.

"Yes. He said he wanted to wait. But Gertrude's getting up there in years... so her husband admitted that he doesn't want children" said Jill.

"I see. So she's angry with her husband for lying to her" said Batman.

"Sam also said she had a mental illness. Is that why her anger led to a threat?" said Robin.

"It's the only possibility. I must set this right" said Jill. 

"Jill. Your health is very delicate in this state. We can't let you get out of bed" said Batman.

"But you two could take me. I didn't say I wanted to set it right alone" said Jill.

"Please, Batman. If anything happens, she'll have us" said Robin.

Batman thought on it. "Very well."

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