Chapter 30

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The Wiggles had driven Jill all the way to an modest little house on the other side of town.

They rang the doorbell and a pretty black-haired woman answered it, while shamelessly stroking her baby bump.

"Yes?" she said.

"We're here to see Gertrude Goldstein" said Greg.

"Gertrude moved out. But I could give you her knew address" said the woman.

"Um... no thank you. What's your name please?" said Jill.

"My name is Thelma" said the woman.

"Is George in?" said Jill.

"Yes, he is." 

"May we speak to him?"

"A-alright" Thelma stuttered.

She let them in and took them to the living room where a black-haired, fancy dressed man sat on the couch drinking champagne.

"Yes?" he said.

"Mr Goldstein, I'm Jill McCartney. I once worked with Gertrude. I'm here to talk to you about her" said Jill.

George Goldstein gestured to the chair next to him as if he wanted Jill to sit down.

Jill did as told and the Wiggles stayed standing.

"What's all this fuss about Gertrude?" said George.

"We thought she might be a danger to you" said Anthony.

"A danger?" said George.

"She's never done anything dangerous" said Thelma. 

"She hasn't?" said Greg.

"But Mr Goldstein... have you had any contact with Gertrude?" said Jeff.

"Not for a long time. The last times I saw her included lawyers and agreements" said George.

"What about recently? Have you rung her? Received any threats?" said Murray.

"I don't understand why you think she's been threatening me. But I can tell you that I rang her last week. To tell her Thelma here was pregnant" said George.

"Gertrude and I were friends. I told George to tell her" said Thelma. 

"She must have been upset. You told her you didn't want children" said Murray.

"I did not want children. Not with her anyway" said George.

"Then why didn't you tell the truth?" said Greg.

"By saying what? 'I do want children, but not with you'? Gertrude is a drama queen. I wouldn't have heard the end of it" said George with a hint of frustration.

"Drama queen? You realize your wife has post traumatic stress disorder" said Jill.

"She is no longer my wife, madam. She won't be next month anyway" said George. 

Then he put on a strict tone. "Now, Miss, I still don't understand what this is about, but you're wasting your time. And as for you four gentlemen, if you want to see my wife about children, I shan't stand in your way. Children are who you're meant to be around. And I'd advise you to take the cat."

"Cat? What cat?" said Jeff.

"She left a crated cat on my doorstep this morning. I didn't expect it and I don't expect it to stay" said George.

Then Jill's mind was struck by the implied truth and she sprung up from the chair. 

"Wiggles... a word?" she said shakily. 

The Wiggles went to the side with her.

"What's wrong?" said Murray.

"I was wrong. She isn't going to kill him. She's going to kill herself" Jill whispered.

The Wiggles' eyes widened and they instantly decided to go.

"Thank you for your time. You've been most helpful" said Greg to George and Thelma.

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