Chapter 37

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Sam noticed the black lab in Chad's arms.

"Chad, is this the puppy Charles Wallace told us about?" she said.

"Yes. This is Bonnie" said Chad. 

"I see you've repaired your relationship with dogs" said Batman.

"You know about that?" said Chad.

"A guy like you going rogue over dogs is totally something to let Batman know about" said Robin. 

Just then, the dogcatcher's wagon came by and the man noticed Bonnie.

"I found the black lab we've been looking for. I'll return her at once" he said into a walkie-talkie.

"What are you doing, sir?" said Sam.

"Retrieving that black lab" said the dog catcher. 

"But Chad here is giving her a happy home" said Calvin.

"While that's nice of him, it's illegal to have an unlicensed dog. I have to take her" said the dog catcher. 

He gently took Bonnie from Chad's arms. 

"Wait wait wait; what are you gonna do with her?" said Robin.

"Give her a home in the pound until someone decides to license her" said the dog catcher.

"And... if no one licenses her?" said Andy.

"Then we kill her" said the dog catcher.

"No! You can't do that; it's mean!" Charles Wallace protested.

"It's mean, but it's the law. I apologize" said the dog catcher.

With that, Bonnie was put in the wagon and taken to the dog pound.

Chad put his hands on his chest and broke down. 

"Chad the lad... are you alright?" said Jeremy. 

"Why wouldn't I be? It's official. I'm cruel to dogs" Chad cried.

"This wasn't your fault, Chad" said Robin. 

"Yes it was! I should have licensed Bonnie when I had the chance" said Chad.

"You still could" said Sam.

"It's too late. I tried protecting her, but I couldn't even do that right. I'm such a wanker" Chad sobbed. 

Then he started to run back into the building. 

"Where are you going?" said Andy. 

"I'm going home to think about how cruel I've been lately" said Chad.

Then he rushed upstairs. 

"Poor Chad. I wish we could help him" said Jeremy.

"So do we. But we wouldn't know how. He's really doubting himself now" said Calvin. 

Sam thought about it, then perked up. "Maybe there is a way we can help."

"What are you planning, Sam?" said Batman.

"Guys, remember what Mrs Disney said?" said Sam.

"That Walt gave her a dog for Christmas?" said Charles Wallace.

"Yeah. I bet if Chad got Bonnie for Christmas, he'll feel better" said Sam.

"An excellent idea, my dear" said Batman.

"I'll call Meg and tell her the plan. We'll need her to give Chad the gift" said Jeremy. 

"Good man, Jeremy" said Batman.

Sam clapped her hands twice and her dog Trusty scampered over.

"Now then. Trusty and I will go bail Bonnie out of the pound. Charles Wallace, use your Christmas bonus to buy a license. And Calvin, find a hatbox and ribbon" Sam ordered.

"You got it, sarge" said Calvin saluting. 

"A hatbox and a ribbon?" said Robin. 

"We're gonna license Bonnie, put her in a hatbox and tie a ribbon around it to give to Chad" said Sam.

"Oh, you're Lady and the Tramping him?" said Robin. 

"That, and we're doing for him what Walt did for Lillian. That's how it became the opening of the movie" said Sam.

"Holy inspirational artwork!" Robin uttered.

With that, Batman and Robin drove Sam and Trusty to the dog pound to complete this mission.

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