Part 2 - Detention

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Firey: First detention of the year. Wonderful. There's nobody here so. I don't know what to do.

Leafy: First detention of my life! Now I won't be perfect. Oh. Hey! What's your name?

Firey: Oh. Uhh. My name's Firey. Yours?

Leafy: Leafy.

Firey: Cool...


Leafy: (He doesn't seem to like me that much. I'll make him!) Hey, Firey? Do you maybe wanna grab some lunch together after this?

Firey: Sure?

Leafy: Amazing! 

Firey: So... What are you here for?

Leafy: Using a mobile device in class. You?

Firey: Tuning out.

Leafy: (He probably was day-dreaming about me!) Oh. Shucks.


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