C2 Part 4 - The end is near

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Teacher: Hello. Uhh today we are cooking.

Class: Yes!

Teacher: We are cooking eggs.

Class: But we already know-

Teacher: Get into the kitchen.


Teacher: Get out your frying pans.

The day goes on like normal. Boring and tiring. Until it's time to go home.

Teacher: Class dismissed.

Firey: Yes!

Leafy: So Uhh Firey. Do you want to come over to my place again?

Firey: Sure


Leafy: So what do you wanna do?

Firey: You invited me here.

Leafy: Then Uhh. Get in bed?

Firey: Yes.

Leafy: Great! Lemme just get some water from the kitchen. While I am get settled.

Firey walks over to Leafy's bed and sits on it. He then stares down at his phone browsing through shorts.

Firey feels that something is watching him. He turns but no one is there.

Firey carries on with his scrolling and BONG!


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