Part 28 - Day 200

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this was after teardrop and firey switched back. and after the explosion since they switched back before pin and leafy.


Teacher: I will be handing out your final grades now.

Firey: B+ Not to bad.

Eraser: C- Okay.

Teardrop: ...

Taco: F- Makes sense. I wasn't even in school for more than a couple lines.

Pen: A+ I did amazing!

Teacher: Class for the year is dismissed.

Firey: Bye Pen and Eraser. I'll miss you.

Eraser: Bye suckas!

Pen: Bye Firey. I'll see you next year.

Firey: Bye Teardrop!**

Teardrop: Bye, and thanks for letting me stay at your place while I was kicked out.**

Firey: Anytime!**


Match: Goodbye you two lovebirds.

TB: I mean it's not that hidden anymore...

GB: So we didn't keep it a secret?

TB: No.

GB: Does that mean we can kiss at school?!

TB: Fine.

GB: Thanks TB! This is why I love you!


Four: Should I release their family from the BRB? Nah. They deserve it.

X: Bye Four!

Four: Bye X. See you tomorrow for a teacher conference.

X: Oh yeah. I forgot I was a teacher.

Four: Did you not teach anything to the kids for the whole year?!

X: No...

Four: X YOU-


still a couple more parts to go.

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