Part 25 - Light Switched

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Scientist 1: Welcome! I assume you are one of our subjects?

Firey: Yes, I believe so.

Scientist 1: Great. Follow me inside.

Firey: Why aren't the lights switched on?

Scientist 1: We need all the power we can get for our test.

As he said that Firey started getting a sick feeling in his stomach.

Firey: Do you mind telling me what is happening..?

Scientist 1: That would ruin the surprise. Now May you please sit on this chair?

The scientist pointed to a metal chair placed behind a huge machine.

Firey: Ok..?


Scientist 1: Great! Some more are here.


Scientist 1: May you please sit on this chair right here.

The scientist pointed at a chair next to Firey with another machine behind it.

Scientist 1: You're name is Teardrop I believe?

Teardrop nodded.

Scientist 1: So Firey, you'll be paired with Teardrop for this test.

Firey: What is this test?

Scientist 1: You'll see. Are you ready?

Firey and Teardrop nodded warily.

Scientist 1: Is everything ready?

Scientist 2: Alright. Turning on in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

There was a flash of light. Firey started feeling like he was floating. Then he felt wet and cold.

He tried to speak but couldn't. No sound would come out.

Finally he could see. He was looking at himself. It looked like a third person view. He realised he could also move.

Firey: What happened..? Wait... I can talk? I CAN TALK! But why am I burning!?

Teardrop: ...

Firey: Wait... That's me? But... I'm here...

Scientist 1: I'll give you a second to figure out what happened.

Firey looks down at his body.

Firey: This isn't me... Did we..?

Scientist 1: I have swapped your minds so now we can see what stays the same and changes while in another body.

Teardrop: ...

Firey: But I want my body back!

Scientist 1: You will get it back when we finish collecting data. For the whole of next week, you are going to take each others place in school and see what happens. You shall return next week and tell us what has happened.

Firey: But I want my body back now! And I can't survive forever in this heat.

Scientist 1: You better go now. Also, everything that happened here is private. No speaking about any of this.


Teardrop: (Wait... does that mean..?)

Teardrop checks his new body.

Firey: What the f*ck are you doing Firey?!

Teardrop: What? You'll probably do it!**

Firey: True but that's my body! I own it!

Teardrop: Not anymore.**

Firey: FIREY!

Teardrop: Fine...**

Firey: Let's just go to your place.

Teardrop: Fine. But you'll have to act like me since it is my place.**


Firey: I get to have the bed for the week since I'm Firey.

Teardrop: NO WAIT!**

Firey: No. I take the bed because if your mum checks on us she'll think it's weird that Teardrop is sleeping on your bed.

Teardrop: Just let me fix it first.**

Firey: Its already made. What do you mean?

Teardrop: I need to remove something I have in it.**

Firey sees Teardrop remove a blue something from his bed.

Firey: That is oddly coloured like me.

Teardrop blushing: It's nothing!

Firey: Sure, sure. Weirdo.


this is confusing. I didn't use the wrong genders for them. they switched remember?


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