Part 11 - Finding Nemo

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Firey: Who am I going to pick for prom?

Pen: Teardrop.

Firey: No way.

Eraser: Leafy.

Firey: That's even worse.

Pen: Nemo.

Firey: He's a fish.

Eraser: I don't know man. Just ask random girls if they want to be your partner.

Firey: Who are you gonna ask?

Eraser: I don't know?

Firey: So you are giving me advice if you haven't even got a partner?

Eraser: Just watch this.

Eraser: Hey Bubble!

Bubble: Youis?

Eraser: Do you want to be my partner to the dance?

Bubble: Sure.

Eraser: See, Firey?

Firey: Pen?

Pen: Pencil?

Pencil: Yes?

Pen: Want to be my partner at prom?

Pencil: Okay, whatever.

Pen: Easy.

Firey: How come you two get partners easily but I don't?

Pen: Because you have not asked anyone!

Firey: Fine. I'll ask someone.


Firey: Needle?

Needle: I don't really even know you.


Pin: No.


GB: I'm going with TB.


Firey: See? Nobody wants to be my partner.

Eraser: You haven't asked Teardrop and Leafy.

Firey: There is no way I'm asking them.

Eraser: Then a partner will be picked for you. That's what happened to my brother.

Firey: Okay fine. I'll ask Teardrop.


Firey: Teardrop?**

Teardrop: Yes?**

Firey: Do you want to be my partner to prom this year?**

Teardrop: Fine.**

Firey: Thank you!**


Firey: See, Eraser? I got Teardrop.

Eraser: And?

Firey: I don't know.


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