Part 6 - Two Goofballs (May be a bit explicit)

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(A bit explicit)

TB's House


GB: Should we keep this a secret or...

TB: Yes, keep it a secret.

GB: Are you sure?

TB: Yes, GB. You might get bullied for it.

GB: Are you s-


GB: Ok... You mind.

TB: We better get ready for school.

GB: I don't have my toothbrush...

TB: GB. You can't use mine!

GB: But I need to brush my teeth!

TB: No.

GB: Please?

TB: No.

GB: Please?

TB: Fine...

GB: Yes!

TB: Alright I'm gonna take a shower.

GB: I need one too! But there's not enough time for two showers...

TB: I hate you.

GB: Is that a yes?

TB: Fine. But don't look down.


TB: Can you pass me the soap?

GB: Sure here you goa- whoops.

TB: Did you just drop it on the floor?

GB: I can pick it up!


GB: Whoa.


GB: Aww.

TB: This is why I told you to NOT look down! Then you go and bend down. And anyway. There's another bar of soap BEHIND YOU!

GB: Oh


TB: Well. We're all ready!

GB: Can you walk me there?

TB: I think something is wrong with you GB

GB: Should we keep what happened then a secret?

TB: Yes, GB!


so yeah.

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