Part 22 - Leafy

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Leafy: Hello?

Leafy?: What?

Leafy: Why are you me?

Leafy?: Just shut up and stop asking questions. They might be listening.

Leafy: Who might be listening? Hello?

Pin: Leafy! Who are you talking to?

Leafy: I don't know? Mphphp mphpphhh.

Leafy?: Shut up you turd.

Pin: Hello? Leafy?

Leafy: Why can't I speak about mpphphph?

Pin: Just talk Leafy. It's not that hard. Just say the end of your sentence and done.

Leafy: I can't.

Pin: Why?

Leafy: I don't know? Maybe I used glue instead of lipstick. Let me wash off my face.


Leafy: Why can't I talk?

Leafy?: I don't want anybody finding out about me because then I will be trapped all eternity in a cell for experimentation.

Leafy: So you have a physical form? Hello? Why don't you ever answer me?

Leafy?: Stop asking questions or I'll make your life a living heck.

Leafy: How though?

Leafy?: I'll reach your brain and control every action you do. But because I'm kind I'm not going to do it full time. It also makes me tired.

Leafy: Huh.

Leafy?: Now just get to class.


Leafy feels thumps in her head. She starts having a painful headache.

Leafy: Excuse me teacher? May I be excused to the bathroom?

Teacher: Uhh. Ok whatever.

Leafy runs into the bathroom.

Leafy: What's happening?

Leafy?: No questions.

Leafy: Tell me or I'm not going back to class.

Leafy's headache disappears but she starts to feel tired.

Leafy: What's... Going... On...

Leafy blacks out.


Student: I can't believe she did that!

Student: I know right? Everybody will be so jealous.

Student: I just wish she picked me...

Leafy sits up slowing. Rubbing her eyes.

Leafy: What happened..?

Needle: You don't remember? You ran out into class 15c and kissed Pin smack on the lips!

Leafy: I didn't do any of that.

Needle: Course you did. Everybody saw it!

Students: Mhhmm.

Leafy: I would never kiss one of my friends like that.

Student: Sure, sure.

Needle: I don't think I want to be friends with you anymore Leafy. It'll ruin my social life.

Leafy: But then I won't have any other good friends.

Needle: You'll have Pin!

Leafy: I'm not lesbian!

Needle: Then why did you kiss her?

Leafy: I DIDN'T!

Students: You did.

Leafy: I DIDN'T!!!

Teacher: What's going on here? Get back to class!

Needle whispering: You did.


uh. Leafpin? (is that the name?)


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