Part 16 - Cancelled

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Firey's House


Firey; Schools cancelled today because of what happened last night. I want to visit TD. Want to come with me?

Eraser: Uh sure!


TB's House


GB: TB? Hello?

TB: Come in the kitchen! I'm cooking eggs!

GB: Oooh, Eggs.


GB: Thanks TB!

TB: Your welcome. Now what were you going to say before?

GB: Well, you know what happened at prom yesterday?

TB: That horrific murder?

GB: No, with Teardrop and Firey?

TB: Yes, and?

GB: I was thinking. We have never even interacted like that. So..?

TB: You're sick.

GB: Cmon! It means we'll become closer to being a couple!

TB: You already live in my house, in my bed with me, have taken a shower with me, used my toothbrush, drawn random things in your diary about me-

GB: And that means we're closer to becoming a couple!

TB: Wash down your eggs first. I don't want to taste egg from somebody else.

GB: Aww. We're only kissing?

TB: We're not ready yet GB! Plus, I doubt I ever want to ever do that in my life.




Teardrop: (Why was I the target? Who even tried to kill me? Why?)

Translator: Excuse me, you have visitors.**

Teardrop: Who are they?**

Translator: A fire and a piece of Rubber.**

Teardrop: Let them in.**

Firey: Teardrop!**

Teardrop: Hello.**

Firey: Are you okay?**

Teardrop: I'm not the best since I have been stabbed many times.**

Firey: Me and Eraser bought you some treats because you will be in the hospital for a while.**

Teardrop: Aw, cool!**

Firey: We got you some chocolates, and some books.**

Teardrop: Thanks!**

Firey: We better head off now though. See you when you recover!**


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