Part 5 - Match Maker 1

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Out Of School


Match: GB and TB have been acting strange around each other. Well, mostly GB. GB has been wanting a bunch of kisses from TB. That's not like GB. GB have also been insisting that they hold hands (legs) and walk around together everywhere while doing so. Whenever anybody asks GB about this she declines answering. So today, I am going to prove that GB has a crush on TB.

Match: Lucky I have TB's and GB's phone numbers otherwise I wouldn't be able to prove that GB likes TB.

Match: So, what I'll do is I'll message TB saying that GB is holding a party for you at the park. At to GB I'll message that TB is at the park holding a surprise party.


Match: Now we wait.


GB's House.

Match: (Surely nobody's home now.)

Match: Finds the extra key and unlocks the door*

Match: (Yes!)

Match: (Okay, now I just need to look for GB's diary!)

Match: (Found GB's diary and ooh! This has some juicy stuff about TB in here.)

Match: (Now I better leave before GB comes back.)



Match: Hey TB and GB! Want to come over to my house for a talk?

TB: I don't know..?

GB: Of course you don't know! Yes! We want to go!

Match: Alright! Thanks.

Match:(This was as easy as matchmaking Firey and Teardrop. But that failed so...)


Match's House


Match: Hey TB and GB! You made it!

GB: Yeah. We did.

Match: Well, come inside and take a seat.

GB looks up at TB.

GB: Are you alright?

TB: Maybe, what is this talk about?

GB: Maybe it's about... us...

TB: What do you mean us?

GB: Never mind.

TB: No. Tell me.

GB: No.

TB: You've started to act strange around me. What's with you?


TB: Are you sure?

GB: Yes. I'm positive.

TB: Sure, sure.


Match: Now where did I put that diary..?

Match: It's got to be here somewhere.

Match: Found it!

Match: So, the reason I've asked you to come is that I just want to have chat about THIS.


Match: I don't know. But I am going to reveal all that's been written in here!

GB: No. Please don't.

Match: I will.

Match turns the cover and reveals the first page.

Match: It is a fanfiction of Golfball. Why do you have a fanfiction of yourself in your own book?

GB: I can explai-

Match turn the page again.

Match: More fanfiction of Golfball. You weirdo.

GB: Blushing* Uhh.

Match: Let's get to the juicy stuff.

Match flips through the book.

Match: Here we go. A drawing of you and TB. How cute!

GB: Blushes harder* Uhh.

Match: And here we go. A bucket list.

What I need to do:

-Be less bossy

-Try new food

-Create a wall teleporter

-Tell TB I love him <- HIGH PRIORITY

TB: Blushing* Do you have anything to explain, GB?

GB: Yeah... I...

Match: Oh shoot. It's pretty late. You lovebirds should head home.



TB: GB. You live quite far away. Maybe you can crash at my house for the night?

GB: Blushing* NO!

TB: Cmon! You know you want to!

GB: No!

TB: Cmon!

GB: Fine...


TB's House

TB: I just realised this is a one bedroom one bed house. Because I take the bed normally. You can sleep on the crusty dusty dirty stinky floor or in the bed with me!

GB: Wait what?

TB: Floor or bed?

GB: Uhh, bed?

TB: Ok. (Why did I say that!?!)


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