Part 18 - Back At School. Not.

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Pin: You don't remember the murder?

Leafy: No, I just remember blanking out then waking up seeing lots of people bleeding on the ground.

Pin: Right...


Leafy?: Are you stupid? You gonna get us put in jail!

Leafy: What? Who are you?

Leafy?: You.

Leafy: No, I'm me who are you?

Leafy?: You.

Leafy: No you're not. Hello?


Gelatin: Look at Leafy over there. Talking to herself, do beautiful girls talk to them self?

Pin: She was acting weird today... Maybe she is behind those murders..?

Gelatin: She couldn't murder anybody! She's too beautiful.

Pin: You simp.

Announcer: May Firey and Teardrop please report to the office.

Firey: Why me?

Firey: Teardrop! We have to go to the office!**

Teardrop: I know! I'm not deaf!**

Firey: Why do you think we have to go to the office though?**

Teardrop: Don't ask me.**

Firey: You called for us sir?

Announcer: Yes. You know why you are here?

Firey: No?

Announcer: You and Teardrop were seen kissing at prom. That is against our rules. I'm sorry but you two will be suspended for a week. I will be calling your parents and tell them what happened. They will most likely not be happy.

Teardrop: Ok.**


Raindrop: Kissing another student?!? Teardrop! You better find somewhere else to sleep cause you sure aren't sleeping here while you're suspended!**

Salt: Teardrop, I'm sorry but I have to go with your mother. You are not allowed to step foot in this property for a week. I am truely sorry.**

Teardrop: I don't have anywhere to stay! Thanks a lot mum.**


Knock Knock Knock.

Firey: Teardrop? Why are you here?**

Teardrop: I need a place to stay as my parents kicked me out of the house for the week. Is it okay if I stay here?**

Firey: Let me check with my parents first.**

Firey: Mum? Can a school friend stay over tonight? They have no where else to stay.

Campfire: Fine. But you are still grounded.

Firey: She approved. Come in!**

Teardrop: Thanks so much!**

Firey: Now, you will be staying in the guest bedroom.**

Teardrop; Ok.**

Firey: Dinner will be in about an hour. Make yourself at home!**


Campfire: DINNER!

Teardrop: Thank you for letting me stay here Ms Fire.**

Campfire: What did she say?

Firey: Thank you for letting me stay here.

Campfire: Oh. You're welcome!

Campfire: Well for dinner is meatloaf.

Firey: Mm. Meatloaf! But this is weird. It's the first time I've had a school friend stay over at my house for longer than a day. (I hope nothing awkward happens.)


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