Part 7 - A Challenger Approaches.

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Firey: She's coming back...

Pen: Who?

Firey: TD...

Eraser: You have another chance with her!

Pen: I mean what are the chances she comes back on prom week?

Firey: No...

Eraser: What?



Teacher: Today we have a new student. Her name is Teardrop!

Teardrop smiles.

Firey: Oh no...

Teacher: She does not speak. She only uses sign language to talk. Now who will give here a tour around the school...

Firey: Please not me.

Teacher: How about... Firey!

Firey: ...


Firey: So over here we have the cafeteria. On your left we have the gym, and

Teardrop: 17*4!#@6?>

Firey: Sorry Teardrop I still haven't learnt sign language.

Teardrop: 18!*#681>

Firey: You'll have to write it down.

Teardrop scribbles on a piece of paper.

Firey: You want me to learn sign language? You know I tried and sucked at it!

Teardrop scribbles more.

Firey: You'll give me a kiss if I do? Well if it's a kiss...


Firey: Hey Teacher.

Teacher: Yes?

Firey: Can I take sign language classes?

Teacher: Sure.

Firey: When can I start?

Teacher: Tomorrow.

Firey: But tomorrows a public holiday.

Teacher: Do you want to learn it or not?

Firey: Fine.


Firey: Sorry guys. I have to go to school to learn sign language.

Pen: Ooh! You gonna impress Teardrop?

Firey: No, she told me to learn it.

Pen & Eraser: Ooh. She likes you!


Firey: Wow. That lesson covered everything. I can't believe I learnt sign language in a day! But it took the whole day. 12 hours in class.


if you want to ask any questions go for it.

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