Part 3 - Lunch

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Le Café De Goiky


Leafy: Men first!

Firey: Uhh. Ok?

Leafy: Sits down at a table* So, what do you want?

Firey: Uhh. A ham and cheese croissant.

Leafy: Excellent pick! I will have one to!

Waiter: Welcome! May I take your order?

Leafy: May we please get two ham and cheese croissants and a large hot chocolate with two straws.

Firey: (I don't like where this is going.)

Waiter: Sure! Now, would you like the croissant to be made into a couple meal?

Firey: Blushing* Uhh, we're not a couple.

Waiter: Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding. Is that all?

Leafy: Yes! Thanks.

Waiter: Alright. You order will be ready in a minute.


Waiter: Here you go!

Leafy: Thanks! Mm. This looks nice.

Firey: Leafy, why did you get a hot chocolate with two straws?

Leafy: Uhh. I got one straw for you and one for me!

Firey: Right...


Leafy: Thanks for coming to lunch with me Firey! We better head back to school though. We don't want to miss our class!

Firey: Ok! See you.

Leafy: (My plan is working! He is beginning to like me!)

Firey: (Leafy is weird.)


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