C2 part 3 - Accepted Fate

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Firey: Where am I?

Firey feels something tugging on his arm.

Firey: Leafy..?

Leafy is sound asleep.

Firey: What? Whos bed is this? Why am I here? What happened? Where are my pants?!

Firey finds his pants on the floor next to were he was sitting on the bed.

Leafy wakes up.

Leafy: Firey? Where are you? You don't want to do more?

Firey: What? Do what? What happened?

Leafy: You don't remember?

Firey: Remember what?

Leafy: You must've hit your head pretty hard.

Leafy groggily: We went ice skating and you fell snd hit your head hard. I asked if you were okay and you said you wanted to go to my house. I said sure and we came here. Then you said you were tired so I pulled you onto my bed. I then tucked you in and the blanket became high in like a cone shape. I was also pretty tired so I went into the other side of the bed. Then you grabbed me and-

Firey: That's enough. I never did any of that.

Leafy: Every bit of it.

Firey: I have not and will never.

Leafy: Since you don't know what it felt like do you at least want to try it?

Firey hesitated.

Firey: Uhhh Uh Uh ummmm mm...

Leafy still groggily: Just hop into bed..

Firey still hesitant plopped himself next to Leafy on her bed.

Leafy shuffles closer to Firey and starts to cuddle with him.

Firey: (this is not so bad actually.)

Leafy falls asleep still holding Firey.

Firey: (How is it already the weekend?)

Leafy unknowingly rolls over and starts to lay on Firey's legs.

Leafy murmuring: It's warm here.


If Firey was you Firey wouldn't get any girls!



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