Part 12 - Big Day

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(Mild Swearing)

Outside School


TB: Are you sure you want to dance with me or even go to prom with me?

GB: Yeah! Of course! Since the incident happened a couple days ago it just doesn't feel right going without you.

TB: Don't ever mention it.

GB: Don't worry! It's not like I will accidentally reveal it to the whole school.

TB: Don't jinx it.

GB: Relax!

TB: I can't relax knowing that I have taken a shower with someone!

GB: Just think of me as your girlfriend!

TB: And I can't think of you as my girlfriend.



Firey: Ready , TD? I can call you that right?**

TD: It's fine. But it's mostly used by my friends.**

Firey: And I am not one of your friends?**

TD: I don't know.**



Blocky: I wonder what you taste like.

Bubble: Woit is wroing with you?



Pen: Do you even want to be my prom partner?

Pencil: Not really.


Four: Everybody! You are now allowed to enter the building for prom!




Leafy: Where is that Firey? Doesn't he want to dance with me? I know he loves me! He is just too shy to admit it!

Leafy: Wait, is that Teardrop and Firey dancing? WHY IS FIREY DANCING WITH TEARDROP?!?

Needle: Geez Leafy. No need to yell so much!

Leafy: Don't you understand? Firey is dancing with Teardrop and NOT ME!

Four: Leafy! Stop yelling. Do you even have a partner?

Leafy: Well, no but-

Four: Then why are you even here. SPONGY! I found you a partner!

Spongy: Yay!

Leafy: I'm not going with that disgusting sh**.

Four: LEAFY! You will do as I say or I will keep your entire family hostage in the BRB.

Leafy: Geez. Didn't have to take it that far.

Spongy: Wanna dance leafy?

Leafy: Fine. But I'm only dancing because I don't want my family to be stuck in the BRB for all eternity.


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