Part 30 - The End.

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Firey: I can't wait to start gaming for the whole holidays! I just hope the school doesn't make me have to go to summer school like they did last year.

Eraser: So what game do you want to play?

Firey: I wanna play some Goiky Legends... The Legend of Goiky... Just basically everything.

Pen: Then let's start out gaming streak.

Firey: Guys... What is that sound?

Time starts to slow down. The last thing Firey sees is black.


Me: Welcome Firey.

Firey: What? Where am I?

Me: You are dead.

Firey: What? No. This is just another prank isn't it? Very funny Eraser. You can stop now.

Me: This isn't a joke. You are dead.

Firey: But...

Me: I felt like this was going on for too long. So I ended it.

Firey: You killed me?

Me: No. You are in a book. So you are alive but dead. You are not even real.

Firey: Everything felt real.

Me: Maybe it was. But maybe it wasn't.

Firey: What?

Me: So yes. I don't feel like continuing your life for now. But I will if people want me to.

Firey: People? Who?

Me: Nobody.

Firey: What are you saying?

Me: I might reincarnate you.

Firey: So do it!

Me: No.

Firey: Why?

Me: Cuz I have another story to finish.

Firey: So this story is finished?

Me: For now yes.

Firey: But what happened to my friends?

Me: They're dead.

Firey: What?

Me: They're dead.

Firey: But why?

Me: They got swallowed by a black hole, like you.

Firey: So what happened to Leafy and Pin?

Me: They got taken out by an explosion.

Firey: So what's happening to everybody else?

Me: They will die.

Firey: This is not a good ending!

Me: I know. But I'm lazy :/

Firey: Can you please just rebirth me?

Me: No


The End.


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